This is a test task Java web application that uses multitier architecture.
Application Demo: (Takes some time to boot up).
All versions use:
- Plain JDBC for database connectivity.
- Logback for logging, JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito for testing.
- Boostrap, jQuery, Bootstrap Notify, Font Awesome for front-end.
Current version uses Spring Boot, Spring Web MVC, Thymeleaf, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Validator, Spring Boot Test.
Links to other versions:
- Spring Web MVC, JSP, Spring IoC, Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Validator, Spring Test.
- Servlet API, JSP, Spring IoC, Hibernate ORM, Hibernate Validator, Spring Test.
- Servlet API, JSP, Spring IoC, Spring Test.
- Servlet API, JSP.
By default application will read database connection properties from
resources/db/ file.
You can override default database connection properties by creating separate properties file under resources/db
(e.g. and setting system property db_config_path
pointing to that file.
Available jdbc connectors: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, HSQLDB.
Also you can change repositories implementations and discount strategy.
You can choose which repositories implementations to use by activating one from following Spring profiles:
for plain jdbc implementationrepo-jpa
for Hibernate implementationrepo-datajpa
for Spring Data JPA implementation
You can choose which discount implementation to use on settings page:
By default application will use repo-datajpa
Spring profile.
This application is packaged as a war which has Tomcat 8 embedded. No Tomcat installation is necessary.
- Clone this repository
- Make sure you are using JDK 1.8 and Maven 3.x
- You can build the project and run the tests by running
mvn clean package
- Once successfully built, you can run application with following command:
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.arguments=","