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FlexiSheet is a powerful, reusable table component for React applications. It supports features like editable cells, row/column disabling, Zod-based validation, grouping rows by headers, and configurable footers.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Demo
  3. Installation
  4. Basic Usage
  5. Advanced Options
  6. FAQ
  7. Development
  8. License


  • Editable Cells: Supports real-time editing with validation.
  • Zod Validation: Per-column validation using Zod schemas.
  • Row/Column Disabling: Disable specific rows or columns.
  • Grouping Rows: Group data using a headerKey field.
  • Footer Support: Add totals rows and custom footer elements.



FlexiSheet Demo



Ensure you have the following installed in your project:

  1. Zod for validation:

    bun install zod
  2. TanStack Table for table functionality:

    bun install @tanstack/react-table
  3. ShadCN/UI for UI components:

    bunx --bun shadcn@latest add table
  4. Tailwind CSS for styling:

    bun install tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Basic Usage

1. Define Your Data

👀 NOTE: The id field is required for each row. It should be unique for each row.

const initialData = [
  { id: 1, materialName: "Material A", cft: 0.1, rate: 100, amount: 10 },
  { id: 2, materialName: "Material B", cft: 0.2, rate: 200, amount: 40 },

2. Define Column Schema with Validation

import { z } from "zod";

const materialNameSchema = z.string().min(1, "Required");
const cftSchema = z.number().nonnegative().optional();
const rateSchema = z.number().min(0, "Must be >= 0");
const amountSchema = z.number().min(0, "Must be >= 0");

const columns = [
  { accessorKey: "materialName", header: "Material Name", validationSchema: materialNameSchema },
  { accessorKey: "cft", header: "CFT", validationSchema: cftSchema },
  { accessorKey: "rate", header: "Rate", validationSchema: rateSchema },
  { accessorKey: "amount", header: "Amount", validationSchema: amountSchema },

3. Render the Table

import React, { useState } from "react";
import SheetTable from "./components/sheet-table";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = useState(initialData);

   * onEdit callback: updates local state if the new value is valid. (Normal usage)
  const handleEdit = <K extends keyof RowData>(
    rowId: string, // Unique identifier for the row
    columnId: K, // Column key
    value: RowData[K], // New value for the cell
  ) => {
    setData((prevData) =>
        (row) =>
          String( === rowId
            ? { ...row, [columnId]: value } // Update the row if the ID matches
            : row, // Otherwise, return the row unchanged

      `State updated [row id=${rowId}, column=${columnId}, value=${value}]`,

  return (
      disabledColumns={["amount"]} // Example: Disable editing for "amount" col

export default App;

Advanced Options

Grouped Rows Example

const groupedData = [
    id: 1,
    headerKey: "Group A",
    materialName: "Material A",
    cft: 0.1,
    rate: 100,
    amount: 10,
    id: 2,
    headerKey: "Group A",
    materialName: "Material B",
    cft: 0.2,
    rate: 200,
    amount: 40,
    id: 3,
    headerKey: "Group B",
    materialName: "Material C",
    cft: 0.3,
    rate: 300,
    amount: 90,

Group Specific Disabled Rows

    "Dipping - 2 times": [0], // Disable the second row in this group
    Spraying: [1], // Disable the first row in this group

Footer Example

  totalRowValues={{ cft: 0.6, rate: 600, amount: 140 }}
  footerElement={<div>Custom Footer Content</div>}


1. How do I disable editing for specific columns or rows?

You can disable specific rows and columns by using the disabledColumns and disabledRows props in the SheetTable component.

  • Disable Columns:

      disabledColumns={["amount", "rate"]} // Disable editing for "amount" and "rate" columns
  • Disable Rows(normal):

      disabledRows={[0, 1]} // Disable the 1st & 2nd row
  • Disable Rows(group):

        "Group A": [0], // Disable the first row in Group A
        "Group B": [1], // Disable the second row in Group B

2. Can I add custom validation for columns?

Yes, you can use Zod schemas to define validation rules for each column using the validationSchema property.


const rateSchema = z.number().min(0, "Rate must be greater than or equal to 0");
const columns = [
    accessorKey: "rate",
    header: "Rate",
    validationSchema: rateSchema,

3. What happens if validation fails?

If validation fails while editing a cell, the cell will:

  • Display an error class (e.g., bg-destructive/25 by default).
  • Not trigger the onEdit callback until the value is valid.

4. How do I group rows?

To group rows, provide a headerKey field in your data and the SheetTable will automatically group rows based on this key.


const groupedData = [
  { headerKey: "Group A", materialName: "Material A", cft: 0.1 },
  { headerKey: "Group B", materialName: "Material B", cft: 0.2 },

5. Can I dynamically resize columns?

Yes, you can enable column resizing by setting enableColumnSizing to true and providing column size properties (size, minSize, and maxSize) in the column definitions.


const columns = [
    accessorKey: "materialName",
    header: "Material Name",
    size: 200,
    minSize: 100,
    maxSize: 300,
<SheetTable columns={columns} enableColumnSizing={true} />;

6. How do I add a footer with totals or custom elements?

Use the totalRowValues, totalRowLabel, and footerElement props to define footer content.


  totalRowValues={{ cft: 0.6, rate: 600, amount: 140 }}
  footerElement={<div>Custom Footer Content</div>}

7. Does FlexiSheet support large datasets?

Yes, but for optimal performance:

  • Use memoization for columns and data to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
  • Consider integrating virtualization (e.g., react-window) for very large datasets.

8. Can I hide columns dynamically?

Yes, you can control column visibility using the tableOptions.initialState.columnVisibility configuration.


    initialState: { columnVisibility: { amount: false } }, // Hide "amount" column

9. How do I handle user actions like copy/paste or undo?

FlexiSheet supports common keyboard actions like copy (Ctrl+C), paste (Ctrl+V), and undo (Ctrl+Z). You don’t need to configure anything to enable these actions.

10. How do I validate the entire table before submission?

Use Zod's array schema to validate the entire dataset on form submission.


const handleSubmit = () => {
  const tableSchema = z.array(rowDataZodSchema);
  const result = tableSchema.safeParse(data);
  if (!result.success) {
    console.error("Invalid data:", result.error.issues);
  } else {
    console.log("Valid data:", data);

11. How does the sub-row data structure look, and how can I handle sub-row editing?

Sub-rows are supported using a subRows field within each row object. The subRows field is an array of child rows, where each child row can have its own data and even further sub-rows (nested structure).

Example Sub-row Data Structure:

const dataWithSubRows = [
    id: 1,
    materialName: "Material A",
    cft: 0.1,
    rate: 100,
    amount: 10,
    subRows: [
        id: 1.1,
        materialName: "Sub-Material A1",
        cft: 0.05,
        rate: 50,
        amount: 5,
        id: 1.2,
        materialName: "Sub-Material A2",
        cft: 0.05,
        rate: 50,
        amount: 5,
    id: 2,
    materialName: "Material B",
    cft: 0.2,
    rate: 200,
    amount: 40,

How to Handle Sub-row Editing:

To handle editing for sub-rows, ensure that your onEdit callback can traverse the subRows array and update the appropriate row.


function updateNestedRow<K extends keyof RowData>(
  rows: RowData[],
  rowId: string,
  colKey: K,
  newValue: RowData[K],
): RowData[] {
  return => {
    if ( === rowId) {
      return { ...row, [colKey]: newValue };
    if (row.subRows && row.subRows.length > 0) {
      return {
        subRows: updateNestedRow(row.subRows, rowId, colKey, newValue),
    return row;

export default function HomePage() {
  const [data, setData] = useState<RowData[]>(initialData);

  const handleEdit = <K extends keyof RowData>(
    rowId: string,
    columnId: K,
    value: RowData[K],
  ) => {
    setData((prevData) => {
      const newRows = updateNestedRow(prevData, rowId, columnId, value);
      return newRows;


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    bun install
  3. Run the development server:

    bun dev


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.