Interpretador .NET para ler e escrever arquivos .RCB e .ENV utilizados no protocolo Matrix pelo MatrixConnect
Google Chrome extension facilitates the sending of WhatsApp messages via WhatsApp Web directly from your website or web application.
PHP to JavaScript converter and VM written in JavaScript
dreadnaut / PHPloy
Forked from banago/PHPloyPHPloy - Incremental Git (S)FTP deployment tool that supports multiple servers, submodules and rollbacks.
A wrapper to work with Tesseract OCR inside PHP.
Trained models with fast variant of the "best" LSTM models + legacy models
Checks if a domain/IP is blacklisted on the most popular spam listing services.
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
MxToolBox - test your IP address on very known spam databases and blacklists
Get the system resources in PHP, as memory, number of CPU'S, Temperature of CPU or GPU, Operating System, Hard Disk usage, .... Works in Windows & Linux
PHP library to easily edit image with GD extension. Resize, crop, merge, draw, and many more options !
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Method redefinition (monkey-patching) functionality for PHP.
This class can be used to parse bounced message reports. It parses e-mail messages with multipart report content type formatted according to RFC 1892 and 1894 documents. If the bounce is not well f…
Elevate your git game with Pledge: the VSCode extension that generates smart commit messages based on your code changes using Github Copilot
Implementação da geração de QRCode do Pix em PHP
Automatically generate commit messages using ChatGPT
Official implementation of "DCT-Net: Domain-Calibrated Translation for Portrait Stylization", SIGGRAPH 2022 (TOG); Multi-style cartoonization
Provides an elegant syntax to connect to SSH servers and execute commands.
Style transfer API for PHP: An example HTML webpage for neural style transfer using the Deep Art Effects API.
Javascript Chrome plugin to get Whatsapp profile pictures for dataset creation.
A mod/hack for Flatout 2 adding splitscreen multiplayer.