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Tags: jagibson/cookbook-bind



Toggle v1.0.3's commit message


Toggle v1.0.1's commit message

* Add delayed timing to service reload
* Fix a minor issue with rndc.key on CentOS 6.x


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Correct Rubocop warnings


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
bind v0.2.0

This is the first cookbook, I have validated with @fnichol re-write
of [test-kitchen](  It took
about 3-4 minutes to validate this cookbook across 4 platforms.

I identified two RHEL 5, and one Ubuntu, recipe bugs which nobody
including myself has caught.  I cannot overstate, how much time this
has saved me.  If you have not tried the test-kitchen re-write,
do yourself the favor and start working with it now.

* Add test-kitchen/Berkshelf skeleton files
* Platform-specific fixes
  - Correct location of `/etc/named.conf` on RHEL 5
  - Added conf_file and options_file are attributes
  - Refactor service actions, and config file rendering
  - Enabled usage of search also on chef-solo via @fabn
  - Various Ubuntu platform fixes via @fabn
  - Added apt recipe to pass test-kitchen


Toggle v0.1.1's commit message
bind v0.1.1

* Pass zone array to template with `uniq` and `sort`


Toggle v0.0.7's commit message
bind v0.0.7

Update root nameserver D