Factorio-AircraftRealism Public
The AircraftRealism mod for the game Factorio https://mods.factorio.com/mod/AircraftRealism
Modified version of simulator by AguzzTN54 with smoother animations and removed ads
kaisuo_api Public
Wrapper around steam_api64 to intercept API calls for debugging
DLLProxy Public
Generates DLL to act as proxy between application and original DLL
C++ UpdatedJan 15, 2023 -
UncrateGO Public
Discord bot for unboxing CS:GO skins using Discord.NET
nelson-textbook-scraper Public
Scrapes Nelson online textbooks into PDFs
libnoise Public
Forked from eXpl0it3r/libnoiseA portable, open-source, coherent noise-generating library for C++
Csgo-CosmeticDataFetcher Public
Fetches a list of skins in each CS:GO case
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2019 -
Discord-DuckBot Public
A precursor to UncrateGo using Discord.net
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 3, 2019