Modified version of xDrip+
xDrip+ source:
- Modifications done primarily for Libre-2 OOP2 setup
- Display 1 min data instead of original 5 min
- Default calibration changed including optional historic recalculation of bg values (see below)
- Use OOP raw or calibrated bg as main data (Less common settings > Other misc. options)
- Use raw/calibrated data as blood glucose values if there is no calibration available
- Display raw data (Graph Settings > Display raw data plot)
- Display OOP calibrated data (Graph Settings > Display OOP calibrated data plot)
- Display last raw value in home screen (Graph Settings > Display raw bg value)
- Display last OOP calibrated value in home screen (Graph Settings > Display OOP calibrated bg value)
- Optionally modify Libre-2 raw values with multiplication and/or +/- (Advanced settings for Libre 2)
- Display mmol glucose values with two decimal digits
- Extended potential min and max blood glucose values
- 1 second X (time) resolution in graph
- Keep Y range constant in main graph and optionally modify min and max Y (Graph Settings)
- Modify X/Y display when switching between portrait/landscape (Graph Settings)
- Horizontal zoom in main graph and vertical zoom in preview graph
- Optionally set custom vibration pattern for low/high alerts (example: 0,150,70,150,70,500)
- Optionally hide noise line (Graph Settings)
- Calibration Graph uses the same unit (mg/dl or mmol/l) for raw and calibrated values
- Modified basal TBR and micro bolus icons display
- Statistics buttons added (DD) with custom start (D1) and stop (D2) dates
- There may be issues/problems introduced by the modifications
- There is no proper testing of the application
- Slope and intercept calculated with weights decreasing linearly with time from calibration point
- The weighting can be controlled with these three parameters (Advanced Calibration)
- Calibration weight days - time over which the weight decreases from 1 to 0
- Calibration weight days initial - weight time used at the start of a new sensor
- Calibration weight days initial transition - transition time from initial to standard weight days
- Use raw data as blood glucose if there is no calibration available (no initial warm up period)
- No specific initial calibration used (slope = 1 after the first calibration)
- Optionally recalculate all affected calibrations and glucose values at calibration (Graph Settings)