A set of utility methods to deal with unreliable components.
compile group: 'me.jaksa', name: 'unreliable', version: '2.1'
import static me.jaksa.Unreliable.RetryParam.*;
import static me.jaksa.Unreliable.retry;
UnreliableService unreliableService = new UnreliableService();
// this will try to invoke the service 5 times
retry(() -> unreliableService.doSomething(), times(5));
// this will wait 100ms between retries
retry(() -> unreliableService.doSomething(), times(2), interval(100));
// the default number of tries is 3
retry(() -> unreliableService.doSomething());
// you can also retrieve values
String result = retry(() -> unreliableService.getSomething());
// if after X times it still fails, a RuntimeException will be thrown
try {
retry(() -> unreliableService.doSomething(), times(2));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("I got tired of trying. Last exception: " + e.getCause().getMessage());
// or keep trying an infinite number of times
retry(() -> unreliableService.doSomething(), infinitely());
// ignore only certain exceptions
retry(() -> unreliableService.doSomething(), on(SocketTimeoutException.class));
Lightweight Transactions have moved into a separate project on https://github.com/jaksa76/ltx