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Ember Rollbar Client Logo Dependency Status Gitter

The Rollbar client for EmberJS applications.

This one just works!

  • Automatic logger for:
    • js window errors
    • ember errors
  • No Bower dependency
  • Fastboot compatible
  • Practical wrapper with access to pure Rollbar
  • Compatible with Ember 3.8 and up


  • Ember.js v3.8 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v10 or above


  1. ember install ember-rollbar-client
  2. Add your accessToken in config/environment.js
  module.exports = function(environment) {
    var ENV = {
      emberRollbarClient: {
        accessToken: 'rollbar-write-client-token',
        // By default Rollbar logging is enabled in every environment except test and development.
        // Here is an example if you want to use it only in production
        enabled: environment === 'production'

    return ENV;


Rollbar Service

In your component, controller, route, object (or whatever) you can inject the rollbar service, eg:

import Ember from 'ember';
const { Component, inject } = Ember;

export default Component.extend({
  rollbar: inject.service()

And then you can use following API to log errors:

this.get('rollbar').critical(message, data = {})
this.get('rollbar').error(message, data = {})
this.get('rollbar').warning(message, data = {})
this.get('rollbar').info(message, data = {})
this.get('rollbar').debug(message, data = {})

Set current user

To set current user use just a normal setter in your session service:

this.set('rollbar.currentUser', { email: '[email protected]', id: 66 })

Access current notifier

If you can not find in our API a proper wrapper, you can always use the current Rollbar instance:


Support error handling from RSVP

Create the following instance initializer in your app:

// app/instance-initializer/rsvp-error-handler.js
import RSVP from "rsvp";

export function initialize(appInstance) {
  let rollbarService = appInstance.lookup('service:rollbar');

  RSVP.on('error', function(reason) {

export default {
  name: 'rsvp-error-handler',

Create new Rollbar instance

You can use rollbarClient function of the Rollbar Service to create a new instance of Rollbar notifier. Optionally you can pass your own config.

this.get('rollbar').rollbarClient(/* config */)

Support code_version on Heroku build

Add at the bottom of your config/environment.js file:

// Heroku Git Hash support
if (process.env.SOURCE_VERSION) {
  let packageJson = require('../package.json');
  let gitHash = process.env.SOURCE_VERSION.substr(0, 7);
  ENV.emberRollbarClient.payload.client.javascript['code_version'] = `${packageJson.version}+${gitHash}`;


You can overwrite Rollbar configuration in environment's config. Here is the default config:

'emberRollbarClient': {
  enabled: environment !== 'test' && environment !== 'development',
  accessToken: '',
  verbose: true,
  captureUncaught: environment !== 'test',
  captureUnhandledRejections: environment !== 'test',
  payload: {
    environment: environment,
    client: {
      javascript: {
        source_map_enabled: true,
        guess_uncaught_frames: true
        code_version: "YOUR_APP_VERSION" // returns app version in format: 2.4.0+06df23a
        // leave empty to use application version which is a default value


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


The Rollbar client for Ember applications.







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  • JavaScript 61.5%
  • Handlebars 15.6%
  • HTML 13.0%
  • CSS 9.9%