- Pro
A specification that python filesystems should adhere to.
PyPy is a very fast and compliant implementation of the Python language.
LuBu OpenMagic is an enhancement of the Solaris OpenStep 1.1-sparc desktop enviroment. It is not a rewrite, nor is it a re-release, but is a package that enhances and improves (and includes) Solari…
ZMap is a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.
Send events that occured to 3rd party services
JetBrains Mono – the free and open-source typeface for developers
jamadden / OmniGroup
Forked from omnigroup/OmniGroupSource for many of The Omni Group's frameworks
jamadden / pyramid_tm
Forked from Pylons/pyramid_tmCentralized transaction management for Pyramid applications (without middleware)
Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
Centralized transaction management for Pyramid applications (without middleware)
Source for many of The Omni Group's frameworks