A simple website for artists/designers to upload multiple reference images to work on their projects. The project is in pure Javascript without any framework because I wanted to test my skill in javascript and also to learn more about DOM manipulation.
Add a tab on the side that has the order and name of images added. *
Work on color and fonts. * (Not really..)
Add a function that re-organize all the images. *
- Align them to the left.
- Rearrange them so that the images are in order
- (Problem) Prioritize filling gaps according to width first. (instead of purely rearranging according to the order added)
Implement a delete function *
- Probably need to work on the style.
Fix the problem of left side bar not extending with the body height.
Implement a function so that images can be resized (ideally by dragging the edge of an image) *
- Wrap the image around with a div *
- Add 4 different resizers on the div *
Function to rotate an image.
- = Done