BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding 论文的中文翻译 Chinese Translation!
A web standards-compliant, high-performance rendering engine based on Flutter.
Build flutter apps with HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Demo Flutter plugin to present OpenGL render in widgets tree
A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically. Fair提供一整套Flutter动态化解决方案
USB Video Class capture examples for PureThermal 1 / PureThermal 2 FLIR Lepton Dev Kit
a UVC interface for the compatible camera implemented with swift4
小直播业务后台,用于小直播iOS、Android App的访问。
A native-flutter-hybrid develop tool helps you add and develop flutter with your existing app
An assembled flutter application framework.
Hybrid stack management for native(ios/android) and flutter
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
Solution to oclint error "Argument list too long"
A Swift Package Manager console app and library to convert Objective-C code into Swift.
A singleton for calculating app's network traffic through system network counters
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Experience, Learn and Code the latest breakthrough innovations with Microsoft AI