The Things Network device library for ESP-IDF (ESP32) supporting devices with Semtech SX127x chips
This ESP32 component provides LoRaWAN communication with The Things Network. It supports
- OTAA (over-the-air activation)
- uplink and downlink messages
- saving the EUIs and key in non-volatile memory
- AT commands for provisioning EUIs and key (so the same code can be flashed to several devices)
- support for regions Eurpe, North America, Australia, Asia and India
The library is based on the LMIC library from IBM (specifically the version maintained by MCCI – see their GitHub repository) and provides a high-level API specifically targeted at The Things Network.
Follow the detailed Get Started Guide in the Wiki.
All boards with Semtech SX127x chips, RFM9x and compatibles are supported. It includes boards from ttgo, Heltec and HopeRF.
See the Wiki page: API Documentation
More information can be found on the Wiki pages.