List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
This is a gradle kotlin demo. You enjoy myself!
🔥🔥Qigsaw ['tʃɪɡsɔ] is a dynamic modularization library which is based on Android App Bundles(Do not need Google Play Service). It supports dynamic delivery for split APKs without reinstalling the b…
Bundletool is a command-line tool to manipulate Android App Bundles
Annotation-triggered method call logging for your debug builds.
Jar Jar Links is a utility that makes it easy to repackage Java libraries and embed them into your own distribution.
Android Virtual Keyboard Input via ADB (Useful for Test Automation)
This is a sample of build-recipe-plugin in gradle-multi-project-support
An Android native libraries injection tool. supports arch arm/arm64/x86/x86_64. Support Android 4.x to 11.0.
Cast android code and resource changes to the running application through ADB.
Android Signature V2 Scheme签名下的新一代渠道包打包神器
Android V1 and V2 Signature Channel Package Plugin
A Java library for zip files and streams
This project contains the source code of a tool for generating regular expressions for text extraction: 1. automatically, 2. based only on examples of the desired behavior, 3. without any external …
thumb16 thumb32 arm32 inlineHook in Android
A simple app to use Xposed without root, unlock the bootloader or modify system image, etc.
A Android gradle plugin that effects AspectJ on Android project and can hook methods in Kotlin, aar and jar file.
skyNet2017 / JarFilterPlugin
Forked from nekocode/JarFilterPluginHelp exclude classes before building the JAR into Android DEX archives.
linxuebin1990 / Mess
Forked from eleme/Messa gradle plugin for minifying activities, services, receivers, providers and custom view
ArscBlamer is a command-line tool that can parse an Android app's resources.arsc file and extract useful, actionable information about its contents