vitess Public
Forked from vitessio/vitessVitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 8, 2018 -
rtmpserver Public
Video streaming server for Adobe Flash player
btree_db Public
A very fast on-disk database for SHA1-identified objects
kaal Public
KAAL (Kill All Audio and Lights) - Assembly demo party simulator (1st place at Assembly summer 2013)
C++ UpdatedAug 5, 2013 -
bencode-tools Public
bencode-tools is a collection of tools for manipulating bencoded data.
jcc Public
Simple C compiler for x86-64
cppjson Public
JSON serialization library for C++ STL (can load arbitary large files)
julkinenliikenne Public
Forked from avoindata/julkinenliikenneJulkiseen liikenteeseen liittyvää dataa
UpdatedOct 19, 2012 -
cppbencode Public
Bencode serialization library for C++ STL
tutruoka Public
A command line tool that shows meals at Tampere University of Technology campus
seko Public
Entry for Assembly 2012 game development competition
simplejson Public
Forked from simplejson/simplejsonsimplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
jansson-bencode Public
Forked from akheron/janssonC library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON and Bencoded data
blackbeltsorvihero Public
Black Belt Sorvi Hero - A wood turning game
convstream Public
STL streams that perform unicode encoding and decoding (e.g. UTF-8)
audacious-boost Public
Subwoofer simulator plugin for Audacious
nios-doom Public
Doom port for Altera DE2 FPGA board
nios-bootloader Public
A graphical bootloader for a Altera DE2 FPGA board (with Nios processor)
jamail Public
Just another mail client (an IMAP client with GTK+ user interface)
tinyui Public
A UI library that makes sense
remotethread Public
A lightweight way to do distributed processing
japlay2 Public
rewrite of japlay in C++