NOTE: This is a fork of the main Slidebars repo with basic support added for common-js and amd so that you can use it with webpack without a plugin. To depend on this fork, update your package.json
to include this:
"dependencies": {
"slidebars": "git+ssh://[email protected]/jaredh159/Slidebars.git#3.0.0"
Slidebars is a jQuery Framework for Off-Canvas Menus and Sidebars into your website or web app.
Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite which features clean and discreet markup, permits an unlimited number of off-canvas instances on any side and is equipped with a full API, callbacks and events for ultimate control.
It is not compatible with previous versions, so check out the Slidebars website for information on getting started, usage documentation and compatibility tables.
Previous versions of Slidebars are no longer supported.
If you're having problems with Slidebars, please read through the usage documentation first. Make sure your running the latest version of Slidebars and jQuery 1.8 or higher.
There are a few common issues and fixes which can be found on the Slidebars website. Please check there and the closed issues list to see if your problem has previously been answered.
If the issue is being caused by your own markup, styling, scripts or a conflicting plugin, I won't be able to help. But if you've found an issue, that's great, I'd like to hear as I'm always looking to improve Slidebars.
Please provide as much information about the bug as possible. Include a url which demonstrates the issue, or if you don't want to public reveal your url, create a JSFiddle.
Pull request are welcome, please make sure your modifications are to the development version of Slidebars and they are well tested!