- Cleveland
- jaredsinclair.com
- Pro
ImageCache Public
Pretty good image cache for iOS, tvOS (and eventually the rest of the Cocoa platforms).
etcetera Public
Stuff I need often enough to that's too small to exist on its own.
circular-buffer Public
Fixed-size circular (ring) buffer implementation that conforms to Swift collection protocols.
dd-sdk-ios Public
Forked from DataDog/dd-sdk-iosDatadog SDK for iOS - Swift and Objective-C.
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 23, 2024 -
Deferred Public
Forked from bignerdranch/DeferredWork with values that haven't been determined yet.
Swift MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2023 -
JTSCursorMovement Public
A drop-in utility for adding convenient swipe gesture cursor movements to a UITextView.
JTSSloppySwiping Public
Drop-in UINavigationControllerDelegate that enables sloppy swiping.
antsinmypants Public
Animate arbitrary SwiftUI views using slow-mo wiggles like the iOS Home Screen widget picker.
SQLite.swift Public
Forked from stephencelis/SQLite.swiftA type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
C MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2021 -
fuckshitstack Public
The Internet was crying out for another Core Data stack, and here it is.
swiftui-property-wrappers Public
Examples of appropriate usage of SwiftUI property wrappers.
minisat-objcpp Public
Forked from niklasso/minisatA minimalistic and high-performance SAT solver
C++ Other UpdatedMay 3, 2020 -
IAPKit Public
Forked from gohypergiant/IAPKitA simple approach to Apple In App Purchases (IAP) that handles the presentation of products, purchasing, receipt validation, and timed free trials.
C MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2020 -
pointandshoot Public
iOS camera capturing and previewing. You choose where the captures go.
orientation-observer Public
Detects UIInterfaceOrientation changes using Core Motion
plcrashreporter Public
Forked from microsoft/plcrashreporterReliable, open-source crash reporting for iOS and Mac OS X
Objective-C Other UpdatedOct 3, 2019 -
EDSunriseSet Public
Forked from erndev/EDSunriseSetObjective-C class to calculate Sunrise/Sunset/Twilight times.
Objective-C Other UpdatedOct 3, 2019 -
NSTimeZone-Localization Public
Forked from Cocoanetics/NSTimeZone-LocalizationProviding a localized translation for the geopolitical names in the NSTimeZone class.
Objective-C BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedOct 3, 2019 -
SWXMLHash Public
Forked from drmohundro/SWXMLHashSimple XML parsing in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 14, 2019 -
minisat-swift Public
Forked from ltentrup/MiniSatSwift Bindings for MiniSat
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 15, 2018 -
JTSBGTask Public
Tidily request background task time on iOS.
JTSImageViewController Public
An interactive iOS image viewer that does it all: double tap to zoom, flick to dismiss, et cetera.
LocationManager Public
Forked from intuit/LocationManagerEasily get the device's current location on iOS.
JTSSmartPunctuation Public
A drop-in utility for adding as-you-type smart punctuation to a UITextView.
CommonCrypto.swift Public
Forked from onmyway133/Arcane💾 Lightweight wrapper around CommonCrypto in Swift
sodes-audio-example Public
An example AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate implementation, with extensive sample code.
xcode-hardware-performance Public
Forked from ashfurrow/xcode-hardware-performanceResults from running Xcode on a non-trivial open source project using various Macs