Tags: jaredwray/keyv
keyv - chore: removing xo lint rules from package.json (#1270) * keyv - chore: removing xo lint rules from package.json * removing unicorn/no-typeof-undefined * removing unicorn/prefer-event-target * removing import/no-extraneous-dependencies * removing import/extensions * removing no-await-in-loop * removing guard-for-in * removing @typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array * removing @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires * removing @typescript-eslint/naming-convention * removing @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions * removing @typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression
Redis - v4 using node redis library (#1198) * redis - v4 - using node-redis library * initial check in starting fresh * adding tests for constructor * adding in set, delete, and get * adding in namespace support * fixing clear on namespace * adding has method * adding in more tests * adding in keyv test-suite * adding in jsDoc * fixing iteration tests * adding in useUnlink * adding in clustering and tls support * adding in createKeyv * adding in Keyv exports * Update index.ts * adding in the table of contents * Update README.md * Update README.md