##WebGL Music Visualizer
###TO RUN:
LIVE DEPLOY NOTE: This is an early release using experimental technologies; this only works in Chrome
Acquire Python [2.x or 3.x is fine]
From Terminal/CMD, Run:
Python 2.x python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081 or Python 3.x python -m http.server 8081
From browser of choice, enter the url
localhost:8081 or
###Once setup:
Select a song from the dropdown list.
Paradise Circus is most reactve; Mandala and Surge are full spectrum; Gemini is a minimalistic edge case.
Volume is controlled by a slider. Clear button doesn't work properly.
After song selection, wait for a play button to appear on screen. On click, the visualization begins.
Left click and drag to rotate camera. Right click and drag to pan camera. Two finger/scroll wheel to zoom.
###Technical Achievements:
Audio is at 24 hz. Rendering happens at 60 fps. An async callback pings the renderer with new data. If the renderer receives new data, it uses it; otherwise it has its own animation tasks to work on.
Since the visual is 2.5x faster [24hz*2.5=60] than audio data, animations were originally extremely jagged. To compensate, I pushed the renderer back a single frame, undetectably out of sync with the audio, to create a single tween frame.
Transitions occur in by comparing the current audio data with the previous frame's audio data. These values are the sum across all frequencies. Upon a certain threshold being crossed, a flag is assigned for the next frame. If enough time has passed, the transition is trigger. Alternately, if enough time passes with no trigger, the transition still occurs.
Colors are dynamically modified trigonometrically. Colors are modified by using time, cube position, cube indices, frequencies, and static scalars as sin/cos parameters
The z axis is manipulated over time, with an expansion and retraction depending on values, as well as influencing x and y positions for several scenes.
radial arc length is determined in mathUtils.js and used for certain scenes
###Tech Stack:
Knockout.js - UI
JQuery - DOM