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The library for web and native user interfaces.
A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.
Suite of tools to connect Design Tokens to Repositories, facilitating Figma workflows
Main workspace for the new version of Radius
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
The simple, fast, and scalable code generator that lives in your project.
Dryboard is an async, future-enabled memory key store.
Capoeira is a full-feature graphic application development engine and framework
jasonsantos / lsd
Forked from luaforge/lsdLua Subtitle Downloader is a program that scans all movie files from a directory and its subdirectories and downloads their respective subtitles from different websites. This repository was convert…
jasonsantos / harmony
Forked from luaforge/harmonyHarmony is a business rules layer for Lua. Its goal: provide state and validation rules for lua entities, while using a Rule-based approach. Interaction is made through a message queue, extendable …
Lua Subtitle Downloader is a program that scans all movie files from a directory and its subdirectories and downloads their respective subtitles from different websites. This repository was convert…
Harmony is a business rules layer for Lua. Its goal: provide state and validation rules for lua entities, while using a Rule-based approach. Interaction is made through a message queue, extendable …
jasonsantos / leg
Forked from keplerproject/legLeg is a Lua library which offers a complete Lua 5.1 grammar, along with some functions to use and modify it.
jasonsantos / mk
Forked from keplerproject/mkMK offers plumbing to make it easier for WSAPI applications and frameworks to interoperate.
jasonsantos / luadoc
Forked from keplerproject/luadocLuaDoc is a documentation tool for Lua source code.
Moonwalker is a Lua incremental parser written in Lua. Its goal is to allow fast and incremental AST construction, while still allowing syntax and handling extensions.
Remote debugger for Lua using LuaSocket. RemDebug offers breakpoints, inspection, step into, step over and watch expressions using a simple command-line controller. The protocol allows the use of t…
LuaJava is a scripting tool for Java. The goal of this tool is to allow scripts written in Lua to manipulate components developed in Java. LuaJava allows Java components to be accessed from Lua usi…
MK offers plumbing to make it easier for WSAPI applications and frameworks to interoperate.
Faces (or LuaFaces) is a macro language, template engine and component framework that allows one to perform outstanding webdevelopment in lua. It features renderization cache and a designer-friendl…
Schema is a module (originally part of Loft) that allows one to declare the structure of Objects and their relationships in a way that can be used later on Form generators, ORM and persistence layers.
Loft is an object factory designed to implement create, save, retrieve, search and destroy operations on lua 'objects' -- meaning by object a table that obeys a certain 'schema'. Schemas and the ac…
LuaEclipse is a collection of plugins developed for the Eclipse platform that together make an IDE for the development of applications in the Lua programming language. In this environment it's poss…
Leg is a Lua library which offers a complete Lua 5.1 grammar, along with some functions to use and modify it.