Debug HTTP requests with a simple proxy. Create a proxy endpoint and inspect all incoming requests in real-time. That's it. That's all it does.
pnpm install
You will need to set up a Cloudflare account and be logged into Wrangler CLI.
pnpm wrangler d1 create workerspy-proxy-db
pnpm db:migrate:local
Place the following in packages/web/.dev.vars
ACCOUNT_ID="<your account id>"
ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_TOKEN="<your analytics account token>"
See Querying from a Worker for more information on how to get your analytics account token.
Place the following in packages/worker/.dev.vars
pnpm dev
Because this project was going to use subdomains in production, I decided to use localias
in local development. It's a great way to have a real .test
subdomain point to your local machine.
Once you've created a Proxy in the web UI, you can get its ID and update the localias configs.
localias set proxy.spy.test 8787
localias run
I would personally recommend using the web UI in the Cloudflare dashboard to manually create the web pages project (since I do not believe you can enable GitHub after the fact):
Template: Remix
Name: `workerspy-web`
Build Command: `pnpm build`
Build output directory: `build/client`
Root Directory: `packages/web`
Note that for me, the first time I built the project, it failed because it did not properly take into account the nodejs compatibility flags even though they were present in the wrangler.toml file. When I tried to build it again, it worked fine.
You will also need to set the following secrets so it can access the Cloudflare Analytics data:
wrangler secret put ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_TOKEN
wrangler secret put ACCOUNT_ID
For this, I would use the CLI command from your local machine to create the first project and then later enable the beta GitHub integration.
From packages/worker
pnpm run deploy
Once the project is created, you can go into the Build settings of your Worker and enable GitHub integration:
Build command: None
Deploy command: `pnpm run deploy`
Root directory: `/packages/worker`
You will want to point the Web and Worker projects to your custom domains. I would recommend having the root domain point to the Web app and then the api.[domain]
and proxy.[domain]
subdomains point to the Worker.
You will want to update the wrangler vars to point to your custom domains.