A basic stock management app for android
Initial requirements https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6C_X7KA-0m2R2VIb2VIVXFJWTA
Overview of the solution This is an android based mobile app for managing inventory levels for clinics across Africa. The app relies on firebase real time database. Through this, stock level changes are reflected across all devices simultaneously.
Functional description The app can carry out the following functions. View all clinics and the stock levels of each clinic. View clinics that have stock levels below five items of any drug. Dispense drug items, i.e. reduce the stock level of a certain drug in a certain clinic. Add stock, i.e. increase the stock level of a certain drug in a certain clinic. Send android system notification for a clinic with a low drug stock level. Display any change made across any number of devices in real time.
Technical description
The real time database. All Firebase Realtime Database data is stored as JSON objects so there are no tables or records. The json tree structure for the app is as below.
{ "clinic": { "key": { "name": "value", "city": "value", "country": "value" } }, "inventory": { "key": { "nevirapine": "value", "stavudine": "value", "zidotabine": "value" } } }
- The local database The app employs android sqlite database whose structure is as below.
stockmanagement database
clinicdetails table _id clinickey clinicname cliniccity cliniccountry
- Database models There are two data models, clinic and inventory. Clinic.class String id; String name; String country; String city; Integer nevirapine; Integer stavudine; Integer zidotabine;
Inventory.class private String id; private String drugName; private String drugItems;
Adapters There are two adapters employed by the app. Clinic adapter - displays all the clinics with all the drug stock levels in each clinic. Inventory adapter - displays only the clinics with drug stock levels below 5 items.
Activities There is only one activity that displays two tabs, clinic tab and inventory tab
Fragments. There are two fragments for displaying each of the adapter contents.
Download the application
Version 1.0 can be downloaded using the link below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6C_X7KA-0m2M1FkZENIYjV3M2M/view?usp=sharing
Note the app relies on an active internet connection for it to function.
Developer Ramogi Ochola 0713567907 [email protected]