Tetris game that you can extend with new pieces.
mvn install
You can execute it from the terminal or directly from IntelliJ
java -jar target/tetris.jar width height
java -cp tetris2-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:. com.software_engineering_professor.main.TetrisEntrypoint width height
width and height, both as a group, are optional parameters (0 or 2 parameters can be passed but not 1).
In order to move the piece, just use the arrow keys (left, right and down). To rotate, you can use any character key.
In order to add new pieces just create a new directory called "extra-pieces" and put them there under the name you want. Each line in the file is a line in the piece. Each column is a column.
Current dir
- jar
- extra-pieces
- piece-0.txt
And the contents of piece-0 could be
x x
x x x
x x x
x x
A piece with 4 rows and 7 columns (there are spaces between the 'x's).