Debug interface for the kobuki robot using ros2 humble huskell. It uses the two available leds in all possible combinations and the speaker.
Using this debugging interface will allow you to use one of the following states avilables in this manual.
Replace the lines with ------- in the latex to the state desired, then in DebugNode.hpp add the state the same way as the others, and initialize it to the value in the manual.
static const int NEW_ONE = 12;
Add in your package with the same folder structure as the example.
Copy the debug files.
Include the debug files in the nodes you want.
In the launcher add the remapping that the example launcher has.
// Publisher
DebugNode::DebugPublisher debug_pub_;
// Message
DebugNode::DebugMessage debug_msg_;
// Init publisher
debug_pub_ = create_publisher<DebugNode::DebugMessage>(DebugNode::TOPIC_NAME, 10);
// Sent message = DebugNode::ERROR; // Use whatever state you want