Tags: jay-johnson/restapi
Toggle 1.1.3's commit message
Toggle 1.1.2's commit message
prometheus /metrics with GET enabled by default.
Toggle 1.0.11's commit message
renaming curl examples to use a shorter, more accurate name: TLS_ARGS
Toggle 1.0.10's commit message
fixing jwt api doc comments. adding more comments to the creation and…
… validate user token functions
Toggle 1.0.8's commit message
refactoring readme docs with updates to the jwt docs - using signed j…
…wt not encrypted (yet)
Toggle 1.0.7's commit message
adding lock change for crates.io publish
Toggle 1.0.6's commit message
Toggle 1.0.5's commit message
adding Examples to the ./src/lib.rs that points to the ./examples/ser…
…ver.rs for rust doc users
Toggle 1.0.4's commit message
adding more overview bullets to the readme and rust docs
Toggle 1.0.2's commit message
setting up homepage + repo + doc urls and ignoring targets from packa…
…ge inclusion
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