DataSciencePython Public
Forked from ujjwalkarn/DataSciencePythoncommon data analysis and machine learning tasks using python
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 18, 2016 -
python-machine-learning-book Public
Forked from rasbt/python-machine-learning-bookThe "Python Machine Learning" book code repository and info resource
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMay 18, 2016 -
edward Public
Forked from blei-lab/edwardA library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism. Deep generative models, variational inference. Runs on TensorFlow.
Python Other UpdatedMay 7, 2016 -
sigopt_sklearn Public
Forked from sigopt/sigopt-sklearnSigOpt wrappers for scikit-learn methods
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2016 -
skflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/skflowSimplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 15, 2016 -
deep-q-learning Public
Forked from maciejjaskowski/deep-q-learningJupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 14, 2016 -
CoreNLP Public
Forked from stanfordnlp/CoreNLPStanford CoreNLP: A Java suite of core NLP tools.
Java GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 23, 2016 -
Python-for-Algorithms--Data-Structures--and-Interviews Public
Forked from jmportilla/Python-for-Algorithms--Data-Structures--and-InterviewsFiles for Udemy Course on Algorithms and Data Structures
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 22, 2016 -
plotly.py Public
Forked from plotly/plotly.pythe browser-based graphing library for python
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2016 -
pattern Public
Forked from clips/patternWeb mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 4, 2016 -
amazon-kinesis-client-python Public
Forked from awslabs/amazon-kinesis-client-pythonAmazon Kinesis Client Library for Python
Python Other UpdatedFeb 2, 2016 -
Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackers Public
Forked from CamDavidsonPilon/Probabilistic-Programming-and-Bayesian-Methods-for-Hackersaka "Bayesian Methods for Hackers": An introduction to Bayesian methods + probabilistic programming with a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view. All in pure Python ;)
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJan 27, 2016 -
d3-shape Public
Forked from d3/d3-shapeGraphical primitives for visualization, such as lines and areas.
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 8, 2015 -
pybrain Public
Forked from pybrain/pybrainPython BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
JavaScript Other UpdatedNov 16, 2015 -
Bayesian-Modelling-in-Python Public
Forked from markdregan/Bayesian-Modelling-in-PythonA python tutorial on bayesian modeling techniques (PyMC3)
CSS UpdatedNov 15, 2015 -
lightlda Public
Forked from microsoft/LightLDAScalable, fast, and lightweight system for large-scale topic modeling
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 11, 2015 -
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowOpen source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs.
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 11, 2015 -
deeplearning4j Public
Forked from deeplearning4j/deeplearning4jDeep Learning for Java, Scala & Clojure on Hadoop, Spark & GPUs
Java Other UpdatedNov 4, 2015 -
lwjgl3 Public
Forked from LWJGL/lwjgl3LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.
Kotlin UpdatedNov 3, 2015 -
dive-into-machine-learning Public
Forked from dive-into-machine-learning/dive-into-machine-learningDive into Machine Learning with ipython notebook and scikit-learn
UpdatedNov 2, 2015 -
cs231n.github.io Public
Forked from cs231n/cs231n.github.ioPublic facing notes page
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 15, 2015 -
notes-on-dirichlet-processes Public
Forked from tdhopper/notes-on-dirichlet-processes🎲 IPython notebooks explaining Dirichlet Processes, HDPs, and Latent Dirichlet Allocation
CSS MIT License UpdatedOct 8, 2015 -
ipython Public
Forked from ipython/ipythonOfficial repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
Python Other UpdatedOct 7, 2015 -
git Public
Forked from git-for-windows/gitA fork of Git containing Windows-specific patches.
C Other UpdatedOct 2, 2015 -
Kaggle-Competitions Public
Forked from numb3r33/Kaggle-CompetitionsAll Kaggle competitions
Python UpdatedOct 1, 2015