Broadcast TV simulator intended to provide an authentic experience of watching OTA television with the following goals:
- When the TV is turned on, a believable show for the time slot and network should be playing
- When switching between channels, the shows should continue playing serially as though they had been broadcasting the whole time
- Supports multiple simultanous channels
- Automatically interleaves commercial break and bumps into content
- Generates weekly schedules based on per-station configurations
- Randomly selects shows that have not been played recently to keep a fresh lineup
- Per-station configuration of station sign-off video and off-air loops
- UX to view weekly schedules
- Optional hardware connections to change the channel
The following features are not yet supported, but are on the near-term roadmap.
- Videos longer than one hour in length - 'movie' length blocks are not supported to keep scheduling simple
- Being able to have feature length content is critical to authentic programming, so this is a P0 roadmap item
- Configuring the station transition - right now it has the one behaviour, but this
- Being able to have faster transitions is critical to emulate cable era content, so this is a P1 roadmap item
Just add content and let the nostalgia flow :)
- Ensure Python 3 and MPV are installed on your subsystem
- Clone the repository - this will become you main working directory.
- Install python dependencies
- Add your own content (videos)
- Configure your stations
- In the confs directory
- Generate a weekly schedule
- Use
- Use
- Watch TV
- Use
- Use
- Configure start-on-boot (optional and not recommended unless you are making a dedicated device.)
- Use
- Use
Note: If you are using an apt based system, you can use the included
to automatically install dependencies (Python, MPV etc) - see the file for more details
FieldStation42 has multiple components that work together to recreate that old-school TV nostalgia.
This script is used to perform 2 primary tasks: build the catalog from disk (only needs to happen when content changes) and building weekly schedules. If no catalog exists, it will create one otherwise, it will just create weekly schedules for all configured channels. If a catalog exists, but you want to overwrite it (like when the channel content has been updated) use the --rebuild_catalog
command line switch. Run this weekly via a cron job to create new schedules.
This script is used to view schedules for networks - it can act as a guide of sorts.
This is the main TV interface. On startup, it will read the weekly schedule and open the correct video file and skip to the correct position. It will re-perform this step each time the channel is changed for the new.
This is an optional component, use this to connect an external device (Raspberry Pico) to invoke a channel change. The following command will cause a channel change:
echo anything > runtime/channel.socket
This is another optional component that is used with CircuitPython on a Raspberry Pico (or similar)
FieldStation42 uses a directory structure to tag content per station. Each station has a content directory specified in its configuration. FieldStation42 will scan the content directory and build a catalog based on movie files found in the directories. For example, a content directory may have the following sub-folders:
- MyStationContent
- bumps
- cartoon
- commercials
- daytime
- late
- morning
- primetime
- sports
The channel configuration will use the directory names as 'tags' to schedule based on the channel configuration - see below for details.
The program expects content to have an mp4 extension, though this could easily be extended if there are use cases.
Currently, only show blocks of 1 hour are supported. These can be built from 2 shows that are less than 30 minutes each or from 1 show that's under and hour.
FieldStation42 is in-development, so the install process takes multiple steps.
Any linux installation should work fine (including Rasberry Pi) and it even works with windows subsystem for linux.
- Ensure MPV is installed and operational
- Ensure Python 3 is installed and up-to-date
- Its recommended that you use a virtual env, but not required.
The following modules are required for the system to work:
This module is used to determine the duration of a video files when building catalogs - it is not used during scheduling or live play.
pip3 install moviepy
This module is used to start and control the mpv player during playback over named pipes.
pip3 install python-mpv-jsonipc
Use the standard github command to clone the repository into a local directory.
For simplicity, configurations are stored as python files in the 'confs' module.
The main configuration is confs/
and contains the following fields:
stations : array of stations configuration - should be a matching .py file channel_socket : path to file to use to signal channel changes - save any text to this file and the field_player will change to the next channel.
Each channel is a separate python file, as named in confs/
. Example configurations are provided - as in this example for channel named ''
station_conf = {
# basic human readable name for the channel
'network_name' : "MyChannel",
# path to the catalog binary file to be stored
'catalog_path' : "catalog/mychannel_catalog.bin",
# root directory for content for this station
'content_dir' : "catalog/mychannel_catalog",
# runtime dir for this station - where schedules etc will be stored
'runtime_dir' : "runtime/mychannel",
# path to output the weekly schedule
'schedule_path': "runtime/mychannel_schedule.bin",
# must be inside or linked inside content_dir - these will be used to pad time in the video stream
'commercial_dir' : "commercial",
# must be inside or linked inside content_dir - these will be used to pad time in the video stream
'bump_dir' : "bump",
# list of directories (tags) intended to be stitched clips vs full content in a single file
'clip_shows' : ["some_show", "some_clip_show"],
#used at sign-off time (played once)
'sign_off_video': "catalog/anthem_signoff.mp4",
#used when the channel is offair
'off_air_video': "catalog/off_air_pattern.mp4",
Schedules are configured in the 'monday'
through ``sunday'` elements of station_conf and have the following structure:
'monday': {
# will play random content from the content/morning path
7: {'tags': 'morning'},
# will play random content from the content/morning path
8: {'tags': 'morning'},
# will play random content from the content/cartoon path
9: {'tags': 'cartoon'},
# will play random content from the content/gameshow path
10: {'tags' : 'gameshow'},
11: {'tags' : 'gameshow'},
12: {'tags' : 'daytime'},
13: {'tags' : 'daytime'},
14: {'tags' : 'daytime'},
15: {'tags' : 'classic'},
16: {'tags' : 'syndication'},
17: {'tags' : 'syndication'},
18: {'tags' : 'news'},
19: {'tags' : 'gameshow'},
20: {'tags' : 'sitcom'},
# since this is a clip show, will stitch random clips from content/some_clip_show
21: {'tags' : 'some_clip_show'},
22: {'tags' : 'prime'},
23: {'tags' : 'news'},
0: {'tags' : 'late'},
1: {'tags' : 'late-late'},
2: {'tags' : 'classic'}
3: {'event' : 'signoff'}
In generalized terms, we use a scheme where the hours number is used as the key and the value points to a 'tag' or path of the form: content/tag
This is where each stations schedule will be stored and read from. You will need to create these directories if they do not exist.
Station catalogs are a binary representation of the video files stored in the stations content directories. When weekly schedules are being created, if a stations does not have a catalog.bin file, one will be created by recursively searching the stations configured content_dir
for mp4 files. Each video file is inspected for length and other metadata and stored by indexed tags (directory names) in the station's configured catalog_path
NOTE: If you update your content, you will need to rebuild the catalog using
with th --rebuild_catalog
option specified.
A signoff event is specified by assigning a time slot to {'event' : 'signoff'}
and will cause the video file specified by sign_off_video
to be played once at the top of the hour. If off_air_video
is specified, then the remainder of the hour will be filled by looping off_air_video
If a time slot is not specified, it will be considered as off-air for schedule creation. If off_air_video
is specified, then the slot will be filled by looping off_air_video
Station schedules span Monday-Sunday and are stored in the station's configured runtime_dir
To build the schedule, run:
This process will load each stations catalog and uses the schedule configuration to build a series of .json files in the station's configured runtime_dir
of the form day_hour.json
- for example: saturday_10.json would be the schedule for saturday at 10:00 am. These json files are essentially playlists that relate directly to the saturday
; a random video with a low play count from the directory specified by the tag will be picked as the base video. If it is less than 30 minutes long, a second video will be selected from the same directory to round out the hour. Commercials and station bumps cut into playlist to build out to the full hour timeslot. Several different scheduling strategies are used to cut-in commercials and bumps, depending on the amount of time needed to fill. Selected shows have their playcounts incremented so they are less likely to be selected next.
The following shows an example start for an hourly scheduling block. The base video here is some_cartoon_V1-003.mp4
and it will play for 440 seconds before 3 commercials will come on. Then, some_cartoon_V1-003.mp4
will be started where it left off and play for 440 seconds, before another commercial break will start.
"path": "catalog/mystation_catalog/cartoon/some_cartoon_V1-0003.mp4",
"start": 0,
"duration": 440.3
"path": "catalog/mystation_catalog/commercial/comx00022985.mp4",
"start": 0,
"duration": 30.76
"path": "catalog/mystation_catalog/bump/com00096765.mp4",
"start": 0,
"duration": 20.72
"path": "catalog/mystation_catalog/bump/com00077020.mp4",
"start": 0,
"duration": 20.17
"path": "catalog/mystation_catalog/cartoon/some_cartoon_V1-0003.mp4",
"start": 440.3,
"duration": 440.3
"path": "catalog/mystation_catalog/bump/com00057040.mp4",
"start": 0,
"duration": 23.6
NOTE: The catalog is not rebuilt from the content directory each time you run
since it can take a long time on large collections. If you update your content, you will need to rebuild the catalog using
with th --rebuild_catalog
option specified. This will cause the program to ignore the catalog file on disk and construct a new catalog.
python3 --rebuild_catalog
To start the player, run:
It will automatically start playing the scheduled content for the first station configured in main_config
in confs/
Note: This will fail if you have not already generated a weekly schedule using
The player listen to the file specified by channel_socket
in confs/
for commands to change the channel. To change the channel, just open the file that file in any text editor and save any text (doesnt matter what). The field_player monitors this file and will change to the next station configured in main_config
in confs/
- or you can use the following command to cause a channel change:
echo anything > runtime/channel.socket
If you don't want a remote button changer, like the antenna rotator box from the video, you don't need to follow this section. You can change the channel using the process above.
This file is for use on a running system that has been configured and testing, because it swallows output so you'll never know what's going wrong. This file is intended to be used to start the player running on system boot up.
This is only required if you are building the channel change detector component (not required).
- Install Circuit Python per their instructions and install dependencies for Neopixels.
- Add the contents of
on the device so that it starts at boot.
The fritzing diagram shows how to connect the components together to enable channel changes.