- Headless: Stateful middle-layer between UI elements and the Coveo Platform.
- Atomic: Coveo's web-component library for building modern search experiences.
- Quantic: Coveo's LWC library for building Salesforce search experiences.
- Bueno: A simple schema validator.
- Auth: Functions to help authenticate with the Coveo platform.
- Headless React Samples: Various code samples using Headless inside a React application.
To install all dependencies and link local packages, run:
npm run setup
To build all projects for production, run:
npm run build
To build a single project for production (for instance, the product-listing
package), run:
npm run build -- --filter product-listing
To start a single project in development (for instance, the quantic
package), run:
npm start -- --scope @coveo/quantic
To start Atomic & Headless simultaneously in development (recommended), run:
npm run dev
The project uses git hooks with Husky. You can make sure hooks are correctly installed using the npm rebuild
The following Visual Studio Code extensions are recommended: