This repository contains algorithms and data structures implemented in C# for educational purposes.
- Data Compression
- Encoders
- Graph
- Knapsack problem
- Linear Algebra
- Numeric
- Searches
- Sorts
- Sequences
- A000002 Kolakoski
- A000004 Zero
- A000005 Count of Divisors
- A000008 Make Change
- A000010 Euler's Totient
- A000027 Natural
- A000040 Primes
- A000045 Fibonacci
- A000079 Powers of 2
- A000108 Catalan
- A000142 Factorial
- A000290 Squares
- A000578 Cubes
- A000720 PrimePi
- A001462 Golomb's
- A001478 Negative Integers
- A005132 Recaman's
- A006879 Number of Primes by Number of Digits
- A006880 Number of Primes by Powers of 10
- A007318 Binomial
- A010051 Binary Prime Constant
- A011557 Powers of 10
- A181391 Van Eck's
- String
- Other
- Problems
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