Tags: jbax/jOOQ
Version 3.7.1 - November 12, 2015 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.7 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#3073 - Distribute commercial jOOQ artifacts under a different groupId to avoid conflicts jOOQ#4620 - Change error message when jOOQ-meta database type could not be found jOOQ#4659 - Significant overhead caused by type lookup when using DSL.val(T) or DSL.inline(T) in org.jooq.impl.Limit jOOQ#4721 - Add Javadoc examples to DSL.using(String), showing proper use with try-with-resources Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#3935 - InternalVisitListener accounts for a lot of CPU load jOOQ#4624 - Column of type "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" lead to invalid TableImpl in 3.7.0 jOOQ#4626 - Zero-length DAO source files generated for non-updatable tables jOOQ#4634 - Significant CPU overhead in CursorImpl$CursorIterator#fetchOne() due to frequent HashMap access jOOQ#4637 - Regression in Table.onKey(ForeignKey) with multiple joins jOOQ#4638 - Misleading ReferenceImpl.toString() implementation jOOQ#4642 - Significant schema mapping initialisation overhead when schema mapping isn't even used jOOQ#4646 - Significant overhead from Scope.data() Map access jOOQ#4651 - Significant overhead caused by AbstractContext's internal ArrayDeque stacks that created even if there are no VisitListeners jOOQ#4664 - Inefficent initialisation of SortFieldList and other QueryPartLists jOOQ#4668 - Significant overhead caused by check if FROM clause is needed jOOQ#4672 - Too many context objects are created when generating SQL
Version 3.6.3 - September 18, 2015 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.6 branch Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#4583 - JavaWriter uses regex syntax unsupported in Java <1.8 jOOQ#4584 - SQL comments with javadoc terminators break generated code
Version 3.6.3 - September 18, 2015 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.6 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#4513 - Log a warning when a user accidentally sets the fetchSize with autoCommit == true in PostgreSQL Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#4230 - ScalaGenerator generates unneeded imports jOOQ#4356 - Regression with <schemaVersionProvider/> caused by formatting of @generated annotation jOOQ#4361 - DSL.timestamp() generates wrong output in SQLite jOOQ#4368 - Wrong implementation of MergeImpl.andNot(Field<Boolean>) and orNot(Field) jOOQ#4373 - UDTRecord is not "attached" when fetched from standalone stored function call jOOQ#4377 - DefaultTransactionProvider should not cache Connection instance jOOQ#4382 - No enums generated in MySQL when <forcedType/> contains matcher jOOQ#4386 - Missing @Support annotation in MySQLDSL jOOQ#4392 - Example exception translator should only translate SQLException jOOQ#4410 - Bad syntax generated for MySQL's ALTER TABLE .. SET DEFAULT statement jOOQ#4414 - DSLContext.meta().getTables() returns empty fields list for table that are not in the current schema in MySQL jOOQ#4433 - Fix routine parameter code generation for types with a binding jOOQ#4441 - fetchMany() doesn't work with CUBRID jOOQ#4445 - CUBRID doesn't support savepoints jOOQ#4449 - Empty GROUP BY () clause emulation fails in CUBRID jOOQ#4452 - UDTRecord.toString() doesn't correctly serialise attribute values jOOQ#4482 - Missing parentheses when DSL.dateDiff(d1, d2) or timestampDiff(d1, d2) renders "d1 - d2" jOOQ#4491 - Record not attached to Configuration yet, when RecordListener.exception() is called jOOQ#4519 - Wrapping condition as field should produce parentheses jOOQ#4521 - TableOnStep.onKey() generates wrong join condition when left-hand side contains aliases jOOQ#4527 - ScalaGenerator generates broken code when using xxxImplements jOOQ#4532 - Generated schema and generated Sequences classes import eachother, which generates warnings (unused import) jOOQ#4541 - Performance of org.jooq.impl.Fields.field(Field) could be improved heavily, if checking for identity first jOOQ#4546 - Error generating code for Oracle Package in Oracle 10g jOOQ#4548 - Package is not generated when an exception is thrown jOOQ#4560 - DSLContext#batch(Query) silently discards queries jOOQ#4564 - Incorrect Javadoc on DefaultRecordMapper claims that only public members / methods are considered
Version 3.6.3 - September 18, 2015 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.6 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#4513 - Log a warning when a user accidentally sets the fetchSize with autoCommit == true in PostgreSQL Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#4230 - ScalaGenerator generates unneeded imports jOOQ#4356 - Regression with <schemaVersionProvider/> caused by formatting of @generated annotation jOOQ#4361 - DSL.timestamp() generates wrong output in SQLite jOOQ#4368 - Wrong implementation of MergeImpl.andNot(Field<Boolean>) and orNot(Field) jOOQ#4373 - UDTRecord is not "attached" when fetched from standalone stored function call jOOQ#4377 - DefaultTransactionProvider should not cache Connection instance jOOQ#4382 - No enums generated in MySQL when <forcedType/> contains matcher jOOQ#4386 - Missing @Support annotation in MySQLDSL jOOQ#4392 - Example exception translator should only translate SQLException jOOQ#4410 - Bad syntax generated for MySQL's ALTER TABLE .. SET DEFAULT statement jOOQ#4414 - DSLContext.meta().getTables() returns empty fields list for table that are not in the current schema in MySQL jOOQ#4433 - Fix routine parameter code generation for types with a binding jOOQ#4441 - fetchMany() doesn't work with CUBRID jOOQ#4445 - CUBRID doesn't support savepoints jOOQ#4449 - Empty GROUP BY () clause emulation fails in CUBRID jOOQ#4452 - UDTRecord.toString() doesn't correctly serialise attribute values jOOQ#4482 - Missing parentheses when DSL.dateDiff(d1, d2) or timestampDiff(d1, d2) renders "d1 - d2" jOOQ#4491 - Record not attached to Configuration yet, when RecordListener.exception() is called jOOQ#4519 - Wrapping condition as field should produce parentheses jOOQ#4521 - TableOnStep.onKey() generates wrong join condition when left-hand side contains aliases jOOQ#4527 - ScalaGenerator generates broken code when using xxxImplements jOOQ#4532 - Generated schema and generated Sequences classes import eachother, which generates warnings (unused import) jOOQ#4541 - Performance of org.jooq.impl.Fields.field(Field) could be improved heavily, if checking for identity first jOOQ#4546 - Error generating code for Oracle Package in Oracle 10g jOOQ#4548 - Package is not generated when an exception is thrown jOOQ#4560 - DSLContext#batch(Query) silently discards queries jOOQ#4564 - Incorrect Javadoc on DefaultRecordMapper claims that only public members / methods are considered
Version 3.5.4 - April 01, 2015 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.5 branch Bug fixes --------- jOOQ#4093 - Typo in Javadoc on DataType.asConvertedDataType() jOOQ#4096 - jooq-meta-3.5.2.xsd doesn't specify the right namespaces jOOQ#4100 - Use "<" for "<" and ">" for ">" in javadoc jOOQ#4114 - Compilation error when a stored procedure has a parameter named "value" and the generator strategy generates lower case literals jOOQ#4117 - Invalid SQL generated when using UNSIGNED data types with MySQL DDL statements jOOQ#4134 - No milliseconds value when reading Timestamp values from SQLite jOOQ#4147 - SQLDialectNotSupportedException: ARRAY TABLE is not supported for SQL99 jOOQ#4157 - Package procedures without arguments are not generated in Oracle 12c jOOQ#4160 - SQL generated by DSL.dateAdd() is invalid for certain dates in Oracle jOOQ#4167 - Trial version stops working