This library can predict performance of solid rocket motor with any solid propellant and many different grain configuration. JSRM is based on Richard Nakka SRM Excel file.
- C slot
- End burner
- Finocyl
- Hollow cylinder
- Moon burner
- Rod and tuber
- Star
- your own grain (by implementing com.github.jbgust.jsrm.application.motor.grain.GrainConfigutation)
- KNDX Potassium Nitrate/Dextrose, 65/35 O/F ratio
- KNER coarse = potassium nitrate/erythritol 65/35 O/F ratio, oxidizer granular or lightly milled prills
- KNMN coarse = potassium nitrate/mannitol 65/35 O/F ratio, oxidizer granular or lightly milled prills
- KNSB coarse potassium nitrate/sorbitol 65/35 O/F ratio, oxidizer granular or lightly milled prills
- KNSB fine potassium nitrate/sorbitol 65/35 O/F ratio, oxidizer finely milled
- KNSU potassium nitrate/sucrose 65/35 O/F ratio, oxidizer finely milled
Or your own propellant by implementing com.github.jbgust.jsrm.application.motor.propellant.SolidPropellant
See examples in tests com.github.jbgust.jsrm.application.JSRMSimulationTest
Easy integration to your source code with Maven repository