This package provides a simple method for pushing and pulling from AWS CodeCommit using the CVM. This package extends git to support repository URLs prefixed with cvm://.
... you can clone repositories as simply as...
% git clone cvm://role-name@account-name/repository-name
The git-remote-cvm package works on Python versions:
- 3.6.x and greater
- 3.7.x and greater
Before you can use git-remote-cvm, you must:
- Complete initial configuration for AWS CodeCommit, including:
- Install and configure the CVM
- Create an AWS CodeCommit repository (or have one already) in your AWS account.
- Install Python and its package manager, pip, if they are not already installed. To download and install the latest version of Python, visit the Python website.
- Install Git on your Linux, macOS, Windows, or Unix computer.
- Install the latest version of the AWS CLI on your Linux, macOS, Windows, or Unix computer. You can find instructions here.
Note: Installation of the AWS CLI on some operating systems requires pip version 9.0.3 or later. To check your version of pip, open a terminal and type the following command:
% pip --version
If the version is not 9.0.3 or later, run the following commands to update your version of pip:
% curl -O % python3 --user
- On your Linux, macOS, Windows, or Unix computer, install git-remote-cvm using the pip command. For example:
% pip3 install git-remote-cvm
- If you already have git-remote-cvm installed you can upgrade to the latest version with the --upgrade parameter:
% pip3 install --upgrade git-remote-cvm
- At the terminal, run the git clone cvm command, using the details of your repository. For example:
% git clone cvm://power-user-role@dev-account/web-project-1 Cloning into 'web-project-1'... remote: Counting objects: 1753, done. Receiving objects: 100% (1753/1753), 351.77 KiB | 1.91 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (986/986), done.