send-me-ebook-highlights Public
Google Script that sends you daily/weekly/monthly highlights or clippings from your ebooks by e-mail.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2019 -
strava-windsurf-data Public
A Google sheets script for retrieving windsurfing data from Strava
alfred-10000ft-scripts Public
10.000ft workflow for Alfred, the aim is to make working with 10.000ft faster.
node-google-apps-script Public
Forked from danthareja/node-google-apps-scriptThe easiest way to develop Google Apps Script projects
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2017 -
Evernote2Omnifocus Public
Forked from frankmeeuwsen/Evernote2OmnifocusEvernote2Omnifocus helps you to make Evernote notes into Omnifocus tasks with respect to the given reminder time.
AppleScript GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedSep 7, 2014