serverless-node-dynamodb-api Public
API powered by Serverless, TypeScript, Webpack and DynamoDB, intended as a starting point for Serverless APIs
market-monitor-api Public
API powered by Serverless, TypeScript, Webpack, Node.js and DynamoDB to power the Discogs Market Monitor sign up UI
docker-node-serverless Public
Docker-powered build/deployment environment for Serverless projects
docker-node-terraform-aws Public
Docker-powered build/deployment environment for Node.js projects
discogs-market-monitor Public
Discogs Wantlist Monitor saves manually searching through your wantlist for local listings
market-monitor-ui Public
React/Redux-powered UI for Discogs Market Monitor sign up
1 UpdatedApr 6, 2024 -
dind-terraform-aws Public
Docker-powered build/deployment environment for Docker projects
buildpipeline Public
AWS-powered serverless build, test and deploy pipeline ft. multiple environments
starter-pack Public
Combines React (ft. hooks), Redux, Redux-saga and TypeScript with Auth0 as a starting point for modern web apps with solid authentication
serverless-node-dynamodb-ui Public
React/Redux-powered UI to front Serverless API
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Audio insights derived from your Spotify library using React and Redux-saga
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ECS cluster with instance and service autoscaling configured and running behind an ALB with path based routing set up
scope-lex-handler Public
Scope is a Facebook Messenger bot that identifies songs from lyrics/titles
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GitHub webhook to trigger AWS CodeBuild builds powered by Serverless
pokego-serverless Public
Serverless-powered API to fetch nearby Pokemon Go data