I am a Phd student @INRIA Grenoble-Alpes in the STATIFY team. Prior to that, I studied Maths & Computer Science at Grenoble INP - Ensimag and Applied Mathematics at Imperial College London. I am Italian, but have been living in France since the age of 7. Now living in Grenoble, France, I can be found skiing during winter and cycling during summer.
You can reach me at: jacopo.iollo [at] inria.fr
My research evolves around computational methods for Bayesian Inference. In particular, my Phd topic is centered around Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design that is the problem of designing most efficient experiments or measurements to perform in order to maximize the information gained from limited data. As this is a nested sampling/optimisation problem, I became quite interested in sampling and optimisation problems and the equivalence between the two.
- Bayesian Experimental Design via Contrastive Diffusions, Jacopo Iollo, Christophe Heinkelé, Pierre Alliez, Florence Forbes, ICLR 2025 Spotlight
- PASOA: PArticle baSed Bayesian Optimal Adaptive design, Jacopo Iollo, Christophe Heinkelé, Pierre Alliez, Florence Forbes ICML 2024
- Tempered SMC for Sequential Bayesian Optimal Design, Jacopo Iollo, Christophe Heinkelé, Pierre Alliez, Florence Forbes GRETSI 2023