Unidade de Saúde Pública da ULS Coimbra
- Coimbra
(UTC) - in/joao-david-dionisio-201875171
Limbo is a work-in-progress, in-process OLTP database management system, compatible with SQLite.
SoftWhisper simplifies audio and video transcription using the powerful Whisper model. Easily select custom models, languages, and tasks, fine-tune transcription with beam size adjustment, and spec…
20+ high-performance LLMs with recipes to pretrain, finetune and deploy at scale.
</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
Extensions for using Django with htmx.
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Full stack, modern web application template. Using FastAPI, React, SQLModel, PostgreSQL, Docker, GitHub Actions, automatic HTTPS and more.
A clean, minimalist quarto theme for your data analysis reports
🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper
TimesFM (Time Series Foundation Model) is a pretrained time-series foundation model developed by Google Research for time-series forecasting.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
Deploy your R Shiny app(s) locally on Windows
DrWhy is the collection of tools for eXplainable AI (XAI). It's based on shared principles and simple grammar for exploration, explanation and visualisation of predictive models.
hadley / condusco
Forked from ras44/conduscoquery-driven query generation in R
Make awesome display tables using Python.
Generate R package documentation from inline R comments
A framework for deploying self-contained R-based applications to the desktop
brms R package for Bayesian generalized multivariate non-linear multilevel models using Stan
Functions for Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation: A Flexible Approach