Modern block styling with org-indent
provides a clean and efficient org style. The blocks (e.g. source, example) are particularly nicely decorated. But when org-indent
is enabled, the block "bracket", which uses the fringe area, is disabled.
This small package approximately reproduces the block styling of org-modern
when using org-indent
. It can be used with or without org-modern
. Recent versions support "bulk-indented" blocks nested within lists:

- v0.1 features a complete re-write to use font-lock directly. This has a few benefits:
- No longer relies on org-mode face names for recognizing
blocks, so
can have arbitrary faces applied, e.g. for differentsrc
languages, as in the screenshot. - Eliminates the "race" between font-locking and applying the prefix text properties.
- Enables in-text bracket decorations for "bulk-indented" blocks, for example blocks situated in an arbitrarily-nested plain list item.
- No longer relies on org-mode face names for recognizing
blocks, so
(use-package org-modern-indent
:load-path "~/code/emacs/org-modern-indent/"
; or
; :straight (org-modern-indent :type git :host github :repo "jdtsmith/org-modern-indent"))
:config ; add late to hook
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-modern-indent-mode 90))
uses org-indent
, and expects it to be enabled to achieve its formatting. To activate org-indent-mode
by default in all org files, set org-startup-indented=t
Bulk-indented blocks have "real" (space/tab) indent applied and managed by org. This extra indentation is applied by org on top of the (fake, prefix-based) indentation used by org-indent. To nest blocks properly within such indented content, e.g. in plain list items, you only have to begin the #+begin
at the same level as the list element's text.
As an important principle, org-modern-indent
does not alter the contents of the text in your org documents, not even indentation. It just styles what is there. To help achieve proper block bulk-indented alignment, here are a few ways to alter blocks indentation using org and other commands:
Start things right: Hit return after your last line of text (e.g in a list item), then immediately hit
C-c C,
to create the desired block. It will be indented at the right level:- This list item contains a: - sublist, which holds a block: [C-c C-,] here
Move flush left: Note:
will get you to the start of a block quickly.M-\
at block start will move the block's first header line to column 0. ThenM-S-left
) will indent the full block. -
Indent rigidly:
selects the entire block. ThenC-x TAB
enters "rigid indent" mode, after which left/right moves the entire block. -
Re-indent a block: If you have a block that is partially aligned, perhaps with a "hanging end", like so:
- List 1 - List 2 #+begin_src lang foo_lang(x) #+end_src
you can simply use
at block start (or in fact anywhere on the block header/footer) toorg-indent-block
. Note thatorg-src-preserve-indentation=nil
is an important setting, to allow org to (re-)indent blocks to respect the local indentation inside list and other elements. Also note that (fromorg-indent-region
):Note The function will not indent contents of example blocks, verse blocks and export blocks as leading white spaces are assumed to be significant there.
The default fixed-pitch
font (from which org-meta-line
inherits) has line spacing >1.0 on some systems. This will introduce gaps even if your default font is changed, and line-space
is nil. To correct it, add:
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family "Hack" :height 1.0) ; or whatever font family
If you'd like a different face than org-meta-line
for the "bracket", configure the org-modern-indent-bracket-line
Optionally, if you want to use org-modern too (I do), a suggested config:
(use-package org-modern
:ensure t
(org-modern-hide-stars nil) ; adds extra indentation
(org-modern-table nil)
'(;; (?- . "-")
(?* . "•")
(?+ . "‣")))
(org-mode . org-modern-mode)
(org-agenda-finalize . org-modern-agenda))
Also optional; use org-bullets instead for nicely aligned bullet stars.
(use-package org-bullets-mode
:ensure org-bullets
:hook org-mode)
: A modern org styling. Works best without
: Unicode heading bullet
: Prettify headings and plain lists.