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This bot has 2 main features:

1. Carpool to simplify organization of carpool inside DISCORD.

The code here will handle:

  • The registration of a new command /covoit
  • The user interactions with the bot messages:
    • create a carpool session
    • reserve/free a seat
    • cancel a carpool session

2. Channel toggle to allow users to opt-in only the channels they want to follow.

The code here will handle:

  • The registration of 2 new commands /activer-suivi-sorties and /desactiver-suivi-sorties
  • The user interactions for opt-in and opt-out, i.e. to show/hide a certain channel.

Code structure

The first file to be used is commands/register-commands.js that registers the commands in the Discord server.

Then, all behiavours are managed in bot.js.

Note1: It is possible to enable or not the 2 features independently.

Note2: To run the code locally, create an .env file at the root. Fill it following .env.template


The bot is currently deployed on AWS with Cloudformation. The corresponding template is in stack.yml

To deploy it, you'll need the aws-cli and:

  • Go to AWS console and create a secret in SecretsManager to store the Discord Bot Token (see Discord dev portal)
  • Before running the following command, check its parameters in stack.yml, especially GithubRepository and BotTokenSecretPath
  • Run aws cloudformation deploy --template-file stack.yml --stack-name discord-bot --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM. Use --parameters to override the default values.
  • Go to AWS console and activate Github connection in CodePipeline > Settings > Connections

Add the bot to a guild


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