A fork of Rav3nPL's p2pool-rav to support Dogecoin (DOGE) p2pool support for the Dogecoin 1.8+ wallet fork.
The dogecoin-p2pool network is active in production on an Ubuntu 14.04 Server at http://www.dogecoin-p2pool.com
NOTICE: the hash rate on the Doge p2pool network is very low due to LTC p2pool merge mining, so expect significant variance on payouts, especially with low hash rates.
Detailed instructions for installing Dogecoin-p2pool on Windows or Linux are available:
Dogecoin-p2pool Linux Install Guide
Dogecoin-p2pool Windows Install Guide
- Bitcoin >=0.8.5
- Python >=2.6
- Twisted >=10.0.0
- python-argparse (for Python =2.6)
- sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web
- sudo apt-get install python-argparse # if on Python 2.6
- Install Python 2.7: http://www.python.org/getit/
- Install Twisted: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads
- Install Zope.Interface: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.interface/3.8.0
- Install python win32 api: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build%20218/
- Install python win32 api wmi wrapper: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/WMI/#downloads
- Unzip the files into C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages
In order to run P2Pool with the Litecoin or Dogecoin 1.8 network, you need to build and install the included ltc_scrypt module which provides the scrypt proof of work code that Litecoin uses for hashes.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/CohibAA/p2pool-doge1-8.git ~/p2pool-doge
cd ~/p2pool-doge/litecoin_scrypt
sudo python setup.py install
cd ..
Windows (mingw):
- Install MinGW: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started
- Install Python 2.7: http://www.python.org/getit/
In bash type this:
cd litecoin_scrypt
C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py build --compile=mingw32 install
Windows (microsoft visual c++)
- Open visual studio console
In bash type this:
SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS110COMNTOOLS% # For visual c++ 2012
SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS100COMNTOOLS% # For visual c++ 2010
cd litecoin_scrypt
C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py build --compile=mingw32 install
If you run into an error with unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin', see this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034390/compiling-with-cython-and-mingw-produces-gcc-error-unrecognized-command-line-o
To use P2Pool, you must be running your own local dogecoind (or other wallet server). For standard bitcoin configurations, using P2Pool should be as simple as:
python ~/p2pool-doge/run_p2pool.py
A normal dogecoind 1.8 startup configuration might look like this, where -a is your payout address and -n is the the main Doge p2pool node (change the payout address, but not the node IP):
python ~/p2pool-doge/run_p2pool.py --net litecoin -a LcjmUck1PB2dZun9My9N2W8hwFpAfeEkfP -n
Then run your miner program, connecting to on port 9555 with any username and password.
If you are behind a NAT, you should enable TCP port forwarding on your router. Forward port 9333 to the host running P2Pool.
Run for additional options.
python run_p2pool.py --help
1939BZFZnHEdKyHn2cYrg8kbUPz1UgkuqQ (BTC)
DQfThymvPs1bgCjPvmkmpUYJtiLSFQBmok (DOGE)
LcjmUck1PB2dZun9My9N2W8hwFpAfeEkfP (LTC)
This git currently also supports the following altcoins:
Aliencoin, Antikeiser, Argentum, Asiccoin, Billioncoin, Bitcoin (BTC), Bytecoin, Casinocoin, Catcoin, Coin42, Coinye, Digibyte, Digitalcoin, Dogecoin (DOGE), Doubloons, Dubstepcoin, Ecurrency, Ekrona, Fastcoin, Fckbankscoin, Feathercoin, Foxcoin, Frycoin, Giftcoin, Guldencoin, Hawaiicoin, Joulecoin, Kittehcoin, Leafcoin, Lennycoin, Litecoin (LTC), Luckycoin, Monacoin, Mooncoin, Pesetacoin (PTS), Polcoin, Polishcoin, Reddcoin, RCPcoin, Smartcoin, Solcoin, Stablecoin, SysCoin (SYS), Terracoin, Tigercoin, UFO, Unobtanium, USDE, Worldcoin, Zetacoin
Run P2Pool with the "--net litecoin" or "--net dogecoin" option. Run your miner program, connecting to on port 9327. Forward port 9338 to the host running P2Pool.
Litecoin's use of ports 9332 and 9332 conflicts with P2Pool running on the Bitcoin network. To avoid problems, add these lines to litecoin.conf and restart litecoind. This should not affect Dogecoin ports:
Digibyte implements a custom subsidy function, that you need to build in order to successfully run your P2Pool node. See digibyte_subsidy/README.txt for installation details.
Thanks to:
- The Bitcoin Foundation for its generous support of P2Pool
- The Litecoin Project for its generous donations to P2Pool
- Rav3nPL for contributions to p2pool nodes