- Amersfoort, The Netherlands
- https://jeffkreeftmeijer.com
- @jkreeftmeijer
- @[email protected]
- https://codeberg.org/jkreeftmeijer
A toon shader that looks like the one used for characters in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Org mode to blog exporter. Converts each header to a different file
A notetaking system like Roam using Emacs Org-mode
Take screenshots/videos of macOS windows from the command line
The missing star history graph of GitHub repos - https://star-history.com
Learning how to build a language on the BEAM
Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo
Client-side Haml parser written in CoffeeScript
jeffkreeftmeijer / test-unit
Forked from test-unit/test-unitTest::Unit 2.x
the instafailing Test::Unit progress bar formatter
Fostering a vivid Ruby community in the Amsterdam region
Quickly build out the files needed for a gem, potentially stored in a Gist (MicroGem)
Rack-based interactive console (à la Rails console) for your web application's front-end
rbxbx / codebrawl
Forked from codebrawl/codebrawlif ( ready? && set? ) then fight! end
sr / rinku
Forked from vmg/rinkuAutolinking. Ruby. Yes, that's pretty much it.
A Jekyll plugin that truncates HTML while preserving markup structure.
Code-as-data in Ruby, without the metaprogramming madness.
Sinatra refactored, only six lines now. More popular than a pair of socks.
jeffkreeftmeijer / travis
Forked from rgaidot/travisTravis - a distributed build server tool for the Ruby community