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1. What is Spring?

  • Very popular framework for building Java applications.
  • Provides a large number of helper classes and annotations.

1.1. The Problem

  • Building a traditional Spring application is really HARD!!!
    • Q: Which JAR dependencies do I need?
    • Q: How do I set up configuration (xml or Java)?
    • Q: How do I install the server? (Tomcat, JBoss etc...)
  • And that's JUST the basics for getting started.

1.2. Spring Boot Solution

  • Make it easier to get started with Spring development.
  • Minimize the amount of manual configuration.
    • Perform auto-configuration based on props files and JAR classpath.
  • Help to resolve dependency conflicts (Maven or Gradle).
  • Provide an embedded HTTP server so we can get started quickly.
  • Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow, ...

1.3. Spring Boot and Spring

  • Spring Boot uses Spring behind the scenes
  • Spring Boot simply makes it easier to use Spring

1.4. Spring Boot Embedded Server

  • No need to install a server separately.
  • Self-contained unit Nothing else to install!

1.5. Running Spring Boot Apps

  • Spring Boot apps can be run standalone (includes embedded server).
  • Run the Spring Boot app from the IDE or command-line.
  • java -jar <name_jar_file>.jar

1.6. Deploying Spring Boot Apps

  • Spring Boot apps can also be deployed in the traditional way.
  • Deploy Web Application Archive (WAR) file to an external server:
    • Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere etc ...

1.7. General questions

  • Q: Does Spring Boot replace Spring MVC, Spring REST etc ...?
    • No. Instead, Spring Boot actually uses those technologies. Spring Boot Overview
  • Q: Does Spring Boot run code faster than regular Spring code?
    • No.
    • Behind the scenes, Spring Boot uses same code of Spring Framework.
    • Remember, Spring Boot is about making it easier to get started.
    • Minimizing configuration etc ...
  • Q: Do I need a special IDE for Spring Boot?
    • No.
    • We can use any IDE for Spring Boot apps ... even use plain text editor.
    • The Spring team provides free Spring Tool Suite (STS) [IDE plugins].
    • Some IDEs provide fancy Spring tooling support.
    • Not a requirement.

2. Spring Initializr


  • Quickly create a starter Spring Boot project.
  • Select your dependencies.
  • Creates a Maven/Gradle project.
  • Import the project into your IDE.
  • Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans etc ...
    • If we are building a Spring app that needs: Web, Security, ...
    • Simply select the dependencies in the Spring Initializr.
    • It will add the appropriate Spring Boot starters to your pom.xml.

2.2. Spring Boot CLI

3. REST Controller

  • Basic structure:
      public class HelloWorldController {
          public String sayHello() {
              return "Hello World!";
  • Example

4. Spring Projects

  • Additional Spring modules built-on top of the core Spring Framework
    • Only use what we need ...
    • Spring Cloud, Spring Data.
    • Spring Batch, Spring Security.
    • Spring Web Services, Spring LDAP.
    • others ...

5. Spring Boot Projects

5.1. Maven Standard Directory Structure with Spring Boot

Maven Standard Directory Structure with Spring Boot

5.2. Maven Wrapper files

  • mvnw allows we to run a Maven project.
    • No need to have Maven installed or present on your path.
    • If correct version of Maven is NOT found on your computer.
      • Automatically downloads correct version and runs Maven.
  • Two files are provided:
    • mvnw.cmd for MS Windows.
      • mvnw clean compile test
    • for Linux/Mac.
      • ./mvnw clean compile test
  • If we already have Maven installed previously.
    • Then we can ignore/delete the mvnw files. Maven Wrapper Files
  • Just use Maven as you normally would.
    • mvn clean compile test

5.3. Maven POM file with Spring Boot

  • pom.xml includes info that you entered at Spring Initializr website.

  • Spring Boot Starters, a collection of Maven dependencies (Compatible versions).

  • To package executable jar or war archive, can also easily run the app.


6. Spring Boot Starters

  • The Problem...
    • Building a Spring application is really HARD!!!
  • Why Is It So Hard?
    • It would be great if there was a simple list of Maven dependencies.
    • Collected as a group of dependencies ... one-stop shop.
    • So I don't have to search for each dependency.
  • Spring Boot Starters
    • A curated list of Maven dependencies.
    • A collection of dependencies grouped together.
    • Tested and verified by the Spring Development team.
    • Makes it much easier for the developer to get started with Spring.
    • Reduces the amount of Maven configuration.
  • There are 30+ Spring Boot Starters from the Spring Development team.
    Name Description
    spring-boot-starter-web Building web apps, includes validation, REST. Uses Tomcat as default embedded server.
    spring-boot-starter-security Adding Spring Security support.
    spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Spring database support with JPA and Hibernate.
  • Full list

7. Spring Boot Dev Tools

  • The Problem...
    • When running Spring Boot applications.
      • If you make changes to your source code.
      • Then we have to manually restart your application.
  • Solution: Spring Boot Dev Tools.
    • spring-boot-devtools to the rescue!
    • Automatically restarts your application when code is updated.
    • Simply add the dependency to your POM file.
    • No need to write additional code :-).
    • For IntelliJ, need to set additional configurations...
  • Adding the dependency to your POM file:
  • Automatically restarts your application when code is updated.

7.1. IntelliJ Community Edition - DevTools

  1. IntelliJ Community Edition does not support DevTools by default.
  • Select: File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler.
    • Check box: Build project automatically.
  • Select: File > Settings > Advanced Settings.
  • Check box: Allow auto-make to ...
  1. Apply IntelliJ configurations.
  2. Edit pom.xml and add spring-boot-devtools.
  3. Add new REST endpoint to our app.
  4. Verify the app is automatically reloaded.

8. Spring Boot Actuator

  • Problem...
    • How can we monitor and manage my application?
    • How can we check the application health?
    • How can we access application metrics?
  • Solution: Spring Boot Actuator
    • Exposes endpoints to monitor and manage your application.
    • We easily get DevOps functionality out-of-the-box.
    • Simply add the dependency to your POM file.
    • REST endpoints are automatically added to your application.
    • No need to write additional code!
    • We get new REST endpoints for FREE!
    • Adding the dependency to your POM file:
  • Automatically exposes endpoints for metrics out-of-the-box.
  • Endpoints are prefixed with: /actuator.

8.1. Health Endpoint

  • /health checks the status of your application.
  • Normally used by monitoring apps to see if your app is up or down.
    • Health status is customizable based on your own business logic.

8.2. Exposing Endpoints

  • By default, only /health is exposed.
  • The /info endpoint can provide information about your application.
  • To expose /info.
  • File: src/main/resources/

8.3. Info Endpoint

  • /info gives information about your application.
    • Default is empty.
  • Update with your app info.
  • File: src/main/resources/ Project example project using Spring Boot Actuator.

8.4. Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints

  • There are 10+ Spring Boot Actuator endpoints:
    Name Description
    /auditevents Audit events for your application
    /beans List of all beans registered in the Spring application context
    /mappings List of all @RequestMapping paths
    ... ...

8.5. Exposing Endpoints

  • By default, only /health is exposed.
  • To expose all actuator endpoints over HTTP.
  • File: src/main/resources/
      # Use wildcard "*" to expose all endpoints
      # Can also expose individual endpoints with a comma-delimited list

8.6. Get A List of Beans

8.7. Development Process

  1. Edit pom.xml and add spring-boot-starter-acuator.
  2. View actuator endpoints for: /health.
  3. Edit to customize /info.

8.8. Security

  • What about Security?
    • We may NOT want to expose all of this information.
  • Solution
    • Add Spring Security to project and endpoints are secured.

8.8.1. Secured Endpoints

  • Now when we access: /actuator/beans.
    • Spring Security will prompt for login.
    • Default user name: user.
    • Check console logs for password.
  • We can override default user name and generated password.
  • File: src/main/resources/
  • We can customize Spring Security for Spring Boot Actuator.
  • Use a database for roles, encrypted passwords etc...

8.9. Excluding Endpoints

  • To exclude /health
  • File: src/main/resources/
  • management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude=health

8.9.1. Development Process

  1. Edit pom.xml and add spring-boot-starter-security.
  2. Verify security on actuator endpoints for: /beans etc.
  3. Disable endpoints for /health and /info.

8.10. Actuator Example

Actuator Example

9. Custom Application Properties

  • Problem
    • You need for your app to be configurable ... no hard-coding of values.
    • You need to read app configuration from a properties file.
  • Solution:
    • Application Properties file.
    • By default, Spring Boot reads information from a standard properties file.
      • Located at: src/main/resources/
        • Standard Spring Boot file name.
  • You can define ANY custom properties in this file.
  • Your Spring Boot app can access properties using @Value.
    • No additional coding or configuration required.

9.1. Development Process

  1. Define custom properties in
    1. File: src/main/resources/
  2. Inject properties into Spring Boot application using @Value.
  public class MyRestController {
      private String book;

      private String author;

      public String GetBook() {
          return "Book: " + book + " By " + author;

9.2. Spring Boot Properties

  • Spring Boot can be configured in the file.
  • Server port, context path, actuator, security etc ...
  • Spring Boot has 1,000+ properties.
  • The properties are roughly grouped into the following categories:
    • Core
    • Web
    • Security
    • Actuator
    • Integration
    • DevTools
    • Data
    • Testing

9.2.1. Core Properties

  # Log levels severity mapping

  # Log file name

9.2.2. Web Properties

  # HTTP server port
  # Context path of the application
  # Default HTTP session time out

9.2.3. Actuator Properties

  # Endpoints to include by name or wildcard
  # Endpoints to exclude by name or wildcard
  # Base path for actuator endpoints

9.2.4. Security Properties

  # Default user name

  # Password for default user

9.2.5. Data Properties

  # JDBC URL of the database

  # Login username of the database

  # Login password of the database

10. Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection

IoC and Dependency Injection

10.1. Injection Types

  • There are multiple types of injection with Spring.
  • We will cover the two recommended types of injection
    • Constructor Injection
    • Setter Injection

10.1.1. Injection Types - Which one to use?

  • Constructor Injection
    • Use this when you have required dependencies.
    • Generally recommended by the development team as first choice.
  • Setter Injection
    • Use this when you have optional dependencies.
    • If dependency is not provided, your app can provide reasonable default logic.
  • Field Injection
    • Not recommended by the development team.
    • In the early days, field injection was popular on Spring projects.
      • In recent years, it has fallen out of favor.
    • In general, it makes the code harder to unit test.
    • As a result, the team does not recommend field injection.
      • However, you will still see it being used on legacy projects.

10.1.2. What is Spring AutoWiring

  • For dependency injection, Spring can use autowiring.
  • Spring will look for a class that matches.
    • matches by type: class or interface.
  • Spring will inject it automatically ... hence it is autowired.

10.2. Autowiring Example

  • Injecting a Payment implementation.
  • Spring will scan for @Components.
  • Any one implements the Payment interface???
  • If so, let's inject them. For example: PixPayment.

10.3. Example Application

Example Application

10.4. Development Process - Constructor Injection

  1. Define the dependency interface and class.
  2. Create Demo REST Controller.
  3. Create a constructor in your class for injections.
  4. Add @GetMapping for /discount.

10.5. Spring for Enterprise applications

  • Spring is targeted for enterprise, real-time / real-world applications.
  • Spring provides features such as:
    • Database access and Transactions.
    • REST APIs and Web MVC.
    • Security.
    • etc ...

10.6. Scanning for Component Classes

  • Spring will scan your Java classes for special annotations.
    • @Component, etc ...
  • Automatically register the beans in the Spring container.

10.7. Annotations

  • @SpringBootApplication is composed of the following annotations:
    Annotation Description
    @EnableAutoConfiguration Enables Spring Boot's auto-configuration support.
    @ComponentScan Enables component scanning of current package also recursively scans sub-packages.
    @Configuration Able to register extra beans with or import other configuration classes.

10.8. More on Component Scanning

  • By default, Spring Boot starts component scanning.
    • From same package as your main Spring Boot application.
    • Also scans sub-packages recursively.
  • This implicitly defines a base search package
    • Allows you to leverage default component scanning.
    • No need to explicitly reference the base package name.

10.9. Setter Injection

  • Constructor Injection.
  • Setter Injection.
  • Inject dependencies by calling setter method(s) on your class.
  • Injecting a Payment implementation.
  • Spring will scan @Components
  • Any one implements Payment interface???
  • If so, let's inject them ... oops which one?

10.10. @Primary annotation

  • Resolving issue with Multiple Payment implementations.
    • In the case of multiple Payment implementations.
      • We resolved it using @Qualifier
      • We specified a payment by name.
    • Alternate solution available...

10.10.1. Alternate solution

  • Instead of specifying a payment by name using @Qualifier
  • I simply need a payment ... I don't care which payment
  • If there are multiple payments
  • Then we payments figure it out ... and tell me who's the primary payment

10.10.2. @Primary - Only one

  • When using @Primary, can have only one for multiple implementations.
  • If you mark multiple classes with @Primary ... umm, we have a problem.
  • Mixing @Primary and @Qualifier
  • If we mix @Primary and @Qualifier
    • @Qualifier has higher priority

10.10.3. Which one: @Primary or @Qualifier?

  • @Primary leaves it up to the implementation classes.
    • Could have the issue of multiple @Primary classes leading to an error.
  • @Qualifier allows to you be very specific on which bean you want.
  • In general, I recommend using @Qualifier
    • More specific.
    • Higher priority.

10.11. Lazy Initialization

  • By default, when your application starts, all beans are initialized.
    • @Component, etc ...
  • Spring will create an instance of each and make them available.

10.11.1. Lazy Initialization

  • Instead of creating all beans up front, we can specify lazy initialization
  • A bean will only be initialized in the following cases:
    • It is needed for dependency injection
    • Or it is explicitly requested
  • Add the @Lazy annotation to a given class
  • To configure other beans for lazy initialization.
  • We would need to add @Lazy to each class.
  • Turns into tedious work for a large number of classes.
  • I wish we could set a global configuration property ...

10.11.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages
    • Only create objects as needed.
    • May help with faster startup time if you have large number of components.
  • Disadvantages
    • May not discover configuration issues until too late.
    • If you have web related components like @RestController, not created until requested.
    • Need to make sure you have enough memory for all beans once created.
  • Lazy initialization feature is disabled by default.
  • You should profile your application before configuring lazy initialization.
  • Avoid the common pitfall of premature optimization.

10.12. Bean Scopes

  • Scope refers to the lifecycle of a bean.
  • How long does the bean live?
  • How many instances are created?
  • How is the bean shared?

10.12.1. Default Scope

  • Default scope is singleton
    • Refresher: What's a Singleton?
  • Spring Container creates only one instance of the bean, by default.
  • It is cached in memory.
  • All dependency injections for the bean.
    • will reference the SAME bean.

10.13. Additional Spring Bean Scopes

Scope Description
singleton Create a single shared instance of the bean. Default scope.
prototype Creates a new bean instance for each container request.
request Scoped to an HTTP web request. Only used for web apps.
session Scoped to an HTTP web session. Only used for web apps.
application Scoped to a web app ServletContext. Only used for web apps.
websocket Scoped to a web socket. Only used for web apps.

10.14. Bean Lifecycle Methods - Annotations

  • We could use the Amazon S3 Client in our Spring application
  • The Amazon S3 Client class was not originally annotated with @Component
  • However, we configured the S3 Client as a Spring Bean using @Bean
  • It is now a Spring Bean and we can inject it into other services of our application
  • Make an existing third-party class available to Spring framework

11. Commands - Run from Command-Line

  • During development we spend most of our time in the IDE.
  • However, we may want to run our Spring Boot app outside of the IDE.
  • One approach is running from the command-line.
  • When running from the command-line.
  • No need to have IDE open/running.
  • Since we using Spring Boot, the server is embedded in our JAR file.
  • No need to have separate server installed/running .
  • Spring Boot apps are self-contained.
  • Two options for running the app
  • Option 1: Use java -jar <my_jar_file.jar>
  • Option 2: Use Spring Boot Maven plugin
    • mvnw spring-boot:run

11.1. Maven Commands

  • Run from command prompt!
  • Create new Maven project
    • mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.packagename -DartifactId=ClassName -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
  • Rum Spring Boot project
    • mvn spring-boot:run
  • Test...
    • mvn clean install -U

11.2. Spring commands

  • List of possibilities
    • spring init --list
  • Create new Maven project with Spring Boot
    • spring init --type=maven-project --javaVersion=22 --artifactId=starter-spring-boot-project --groupId=com.starterpringbootproject
    • spring init --type=maven-project --javaVersion=22 --artifactId=starter-rest-controller --groupId=com.starterrestcontroller --dependencies=web,devtools,actuator,security
      • spring-boot-devtools
      • spring-boot-starter-web
      • spring-boot-starter-security
      • spring-boot-starter-actuator


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