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The empirical benchmark for randomPlantedForest.

To reproduce results, first start an R session in the project directory and run


To ensure all required R packages are available and using the expected versions.


This project uses batchtools and the mlr3 ecosystem to run the benchmark. The following files are required to produce results:

  • config.yml: Configuration file for the benchmark. By default, the default profile is loaded via .Rprofile automatically and the resulting conf list object is expected to be present in subsequent scripts to defined benchmark parameters.
    • For the final benchmark run, the <config-profile> is set to production via ./.Renviron.
  • benchmark.R: The main benchmark script, sourcing other scripts as needed.
    • This script does not yet submit any jobs, as this step is highly dependent on the available hardware and computing environment, e.g. whether jobs are run locally or on a HPC cluster.
    • The batchtools registry is created at registries/<config-profile>
  • learners.R: Sets up mlr3 learners including tuning spaces.
  • tasks.R: Retrieves the datasets from OpenML and creates mlr3 tasks
    • Writes ./task_meta.rds, which is used in subsequent scripts to amend task metadata to other tables.
  • process-results.R: Processes the batchtools registry and writes intermediate result files to results/<config-profile>
  • results-paper.R: Produces plots and LaTeX tables and writes them to ./paper-results


randomPlantedForest regression benchmark






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