Made by Xinyu Chen • 🌐
awesome-latex-drawing is a collection of 20+ academic drawing examples for using LaTeX, including Bayesian networks, function plotting, graphical models, tensor structure, and technical frameworks. [Blog post on Medium]
LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system, and it is available as a free software. In recent years, it is very popular for creating and drawing academic graphics via LaTeX. This is because that LaTeX is able to draw many complicated graphics containing special symbols and math equations. It is really good for using LaTeX to draw certain graphics in your research.This project introduces some graphics that created by using LaTeX. It would be easy to follow the examples with a popular online LaTeX system - Overleaf. If you are interested, welcome to use Overleaf and reproduce our examples. The Overleaf is available at, please feel free to try it.
Table of Examples
- Bayesian networks
function plottingtikz-3dplot
for tensor data
Open in your Chrome.
It is not necessary to open each file in this repository because you can just follow this readme document.
Looking for some good LaTeX drawing examples? Here is a few (20+) to peruse.
LaTeX provides some powerful domain-specific packages and tools like tikz
to enable flexible graphical models. Bayesian networks represent a family of graphical models consisting of variables (usually denoted by nodes) and dependency relationships (usually denoted by arrows). Fortunately, tikz
has a specific library for drawing Bayesian networks and directed factor graphs.
This example is from the following paper:
- Qibin Zhao, Liqing Zhang, Andrzej Cichocki (2015). Bayesian CP factorization of incomplete tensors with automatic rank determination. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 37(9): 1751-1763.

codes:- define the
, e.g.,\documentclass[border = 0.1cm]{standalone}
with 0.1cm border, - use package
in preamble, i.e.,\usepackage{tikz}
, and usetikz
library like\usetikzlibrary{bayesnet}
which is an important tool for drawing Bayesian networks and directed factor graphs, - set the
style by using the\tikzstyle{}
command, - use math equation environments including
\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amssymb}
- define the
codes:- use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
to define nodes and text boxes in the Bayesian network, - use
to define arrows in the Bayesian network, - use
to define plates in the Bayesian network.
- use
Please click on the image and check out the source code.
This example is from the following paper:
Xinyu Chen, Zhaocheng He, Lijun Sun (2019). A Bayesian tensor decomposition approach for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 98: 73-84.

codes:- define the
, e.g.,\documentclass[border = 0.1cm]{standalone}
with 0.1cm border, - use package
in preamble, i.e.,\usepackage{tikz}
, and usetikz
library like\usetikzlibrary{bayesnet}
which is an important tool for drawing Bayesian networks and directed factor graph, - set the
style by using the\tikzstyle{}
command, - use math equation environments including
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb}
- define the
codes:- use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
to define nodes and text boxes in the Bayesian network, - use
to define arrows in the Bayesian network, - use
to define plates in the Bayesian network.
- use
Please click on the image and check out the source code. If you are interested in the original Bayesian network of BGCP in the paper, please check out BGCP.tex.
This example is from the following paper:
Xinyu Chen, Zhaocheng He, Yixian Chen, Yuhuan Lu, Jiawei Wang (2019). Missing traffic data imputation and pattern discovery with a Bayesian augmented tensor factorization model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 104: 66-77.

codes:- define the
, e.g.,\documentclass[border = 0.1cm]{standalone}
with 0.1cm border, - use package
in preamble, i.e.,\usepackage{tikz}
, and usetikz
library like\usetikzlibrary{bayesnet}
which is an important tool for drawing Bayesian networks and directed factor graph, - set the
style by using the\tikzstyle{}
command, - use math equation environments including
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb}
- define the
codes:- use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
to define nodes and text boxes in the Bayesian network, - use
to define arrows in the Bayesian network, - use
to define plates in the Bayesian network.
- use
Please click on the image and check out the source code.
This example is from the following paper:
Xinyu Chen, Lijun Sun (2021). Bayesian temporal factorization for multidimensional time series prediction. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. (Early access)

codes:- define the
, e.g.,\documentclass[border = 0.1cm]{standalone}
with 0.1cm border, - use package
in preamble, i.e.,\usepackage{tikz}
, and usetikz
library like\usetikzlibrary{bayesnet}
which is an important tool for drawing Bayesian networks and directed factor graph, - set the
style by using the\tikzstyle{}
command, - use math equation environments including
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb}
- define the
codes:- use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
to define nodes and text boxes in the Bayesian network, - use
to define arrows in the Bayesian network, - use
to define plates in the Bayesian network.
- use
Please click on the image and check out the source code. Instead of multivariate vector autoregressive process on temporal factors, we can also use univariate autoregressive process to rebuild BTMF. The Beyasian network is available at btmf_net.png, you can also check out the source code btmf_net.tex.
These two examples show the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative density function (CDF) of Erlang distribution, respectively. To draw the example, there are few steps to follow:
codes:- define the
, - use package
in preamble, - set font style and adjust
as you prefer.
- define the
codes:- use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
\begin{axis} \end{axis}
to draw the function, - use
to define the function for drawing.
- use

This example shows the PDF of normal distribution with different means and variances. To draw this example, there are few step to follow:
codes:- define the
, - use package
in preamble, - set font style and adjust
as you prefer.
- define the
codes:- use
to define the PDF function of normal (Gaussian) distribution, - use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
\begin{axis} \end{axis}
to draw the function, - use
to define the function for drawing.
- use
- More posts:
These two examples show the PDF and joint PDF of Lognormal distributions, respectively. There are some recommended material to follow the examples:
- More posts:
This example shows four sequences consisting of Sine and Cosine functions. When regarding these sequences as time series, then we can see two kinds of temporal dynamics, that is, one is from Sine function, while another is from Cosine function. To draw this example, we can follow these steps:
codes:- define the
, - use package
in preamble, - set font style and adjust
as you prefer.
- define the
codes:- use
to define the PDF function of normal (Gaussian) distribution, - use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
\begin{axis} \end{axis}
to draw the function, - use
to define the function for drawing.
- use
This example illustrates the mechanism of time series forecasting on streaming data in our tracebase project. To draw this example, we can follow these steps:

codes:- define the
, - use both
packages in preamble, - set font style and adjust
as you prefer.
- define the
codes:- use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - use
\begin{axis} \end{axis}
to define the graphic, - use
to define the marks at some coordinates and specify the color of these marks.
- use
This example gives a graphical illustration of a third-order tensor. To draw this example, we can follow these steps:

codes:- define the
, - use both
packages in preamble.
- define the
codes:- set depth, width, and height parameters by using
, - use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - define the coordinates of the tensor edges,
- use
cammand to define cycles.
- set depth, width, and height parameters by using
This example gives a graphical illustration of classical CP tensor factorization on a third-order tensor. To draw this example, we can follow these steps:

codes:- define the
, - use both
packages in preamble.
- define the
codes:- set depth, width, and height parameters by using
, - use
\begin{tikzpicture} \end{tikzpicture}
to start drawing, - define the coordinates of the tensor edges,
- use
cammand to define cycles.
- set depth, width, and height parameters by using
- Open
- Upload
in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 7: Tensor completion task and its framework including data organization and tensor completion, in which traffic measurements are partially observed.
- Open rolling_prediction_strategy.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 8: A graphical illustration of rolling prediction strategy with temporal matrix factorization and autoregressive model.
- Open rolling_prediction.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 9: A graphical illustration of rolling prediction strategy with temporal matrix factorization and vector autoregressive model.
- Open graphical_time_series.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 10: A graphical illustration of the partially observed time series data.
- Open tensor_time_series.tex in your overleaf project, then, you will see the following picture:
Figure 11: A graphical illustration of the partially observed time series tensor.
- Open graphical_matrix_time_series.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 12: Multivariate time series data prediction with missing values.
- Open graphical_tensor_time_series.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 13: Tensor time series data prediction with missing values.
- Open mf-explained.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 14: A graphical illustration of matrix factorization.
- Open LRTC-flow.tex and upload
in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 15: A graphical illustration of low-rank tensor completion model.
- Open latc_framework in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 16: A graphical illustration of low-rank autoregressive tensor completion model.
- Open AuTF.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 18: Augmented tensor factorization (AuTF) model.
- Open TVART.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 19: Tensor regression model.
- Open tensor_svt.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 20: Singular value thresholding process of the tensor data with unitary transform.
- Open RMseries.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 22: Random missing pattern.
- Open NMseries.tex in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 23: Non-random missing pattern.
- Open performance_bar.tex and upload
in your overleaf project, then you will see the following picture:
Figure 24: Imputation performance.
If you want to draw each sub-figure, please check out the following
- Sub-figure at the 1st row and 1st column: RM_Gdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 1st row and 2nd column: RM_Bdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 1st row and 3rd column: RM_Hdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 1st row and 4th column: RM_Sdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 2nd row and 1st column: NM_Gdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 2nd row and 2nd column: NM_Bdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 2nd row and 3rd column: NM_Hdata.tex
- Sub-figure at the 2nd row and 4th column: NM_Sdata.tex
- Open
- Upload
in your overleaf project, then, you will see the following picture:
Figure 25: transdim logo.
Coming soon...
Most of these examples are from our papers:
Xinyu Chen, Mengying Lei, Nicolas Saunier, Lijun Sun (2021). Low-rank autoregressive tensor completion for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. [Preprint] [DOI] [Data & Python code] (Also accepted in part to MiLeTS Workshop of KDD 2021, see workshop paper)
Xinyu Chen, Yixian Chen, Nicolas Saunier, Lijun Sun (2021). Scalable low-rank tensor learning for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 129: 103226. [Preprint] [DOI] [Data] [Python code]
Xinyu Chen, Lijun Sun (2021). Bayesian temporal factorization for multidimensional time series prediction. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. (Early access) [Preprint] [DOI] [Slides] [Data & Python code]
Xinyu Chen, Lijun Sun (2020). Low-rank autoregressive tensor completion for multivariate time series forecasting. arXiv: 2006.10436. [Preprint] [Data & Python code]
Xinyu Chen, Jinming Yang, Lijun Sun (2020). A nonconvex low-rank tensor completion model for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 117: 102673. [Preprint] [DOI] [Data & Python code]
Xinyu Chen, Zhaocheng He, Yixian Chen, Yuhuan Lu, Jiawei Wang (2019). Missing traffic data imputation and pattern discovery with a Bayesian augmented tensor factorization model. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 104: 66-77. [DOI] [Slides] [Data] [Matlab code] [Python code]
Xinyu Chen, Zhaocheng He, Lijun Sun (2019). A Bayesian tensor decomposition approach for spatiotemporal traffic data imputation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 98: 73-84. [Preprint] [DOI] [Data] [Matlab code] [Python code]
Please cite our papers if you find these codes help your research.