Tags: jenkinsci/testng-plugin-plugin
Forward compatibility with jenkinsci/jenkins#8503 (#246)
[JENKINS-71331] Show plugin docs on plugins site (#210) Recent changes to pom.xml may be the root cause of the missing documentation on https://plugins.jenkins.io/testng-plugin/
Require Java 11 Require Jenkins 2.361.4 or newer. https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/plugin-development/choosing-jenkins-baseline/ offers Jenkins 2.361.4 as one of the recommended versions. Java 11 or newer is required for Jenkins 2.361.4 and for the most recent releases of the parent pom.
Merge pull request #67 from MarkEWaite/fix-job-summary-graph [JENKINS-67098] Render summary graph with GET or POST
[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag testng-plugin-1.15