Repo holds photos that depict R data structures and operations via Lego.
These images are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Clickable gallery, which is created from a small chunk of R code in an executable R Markdown README.Rmd
. This gist shows similar syntax but with markdown image links, instead of html.
Photos added in waves and file name/number is roughly chronological. At least I think so.
- 2016-10-23 just playing around, 1st two photos of the large plate
- 2016-11-06 first big wave
- 2016-11-06 redo pants photo due to 2 vs 3 peg gap (wtf?)
- 2016-11-15 have learned alot from first wave
- BOUGHT A TRIPOD Joby GripTight GorillaPod Stand PRO for iPhone
- retake photos of nested data frame, since david smith discovered a missing lego 😱
- made photos more suitable for map, map2, pmap, map_df
- illustrate NAs in atomic vector
- photograph atomic vectors on contrasting construction paper so keynote alpha transparency works
- 2016-11-15 2nd session; a few stragglers
- retake antenna photo
- map_hair() with some non-valid hair, so can mention safely
- horizontal hair-only (like the weapons)
- columnar white background bald minis, hair, minis w/ hair
- portrait of each mini on green plate and ready for alpha transparency