- uses: jeremyd2019/store-secret
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_PAT }} # The token provided by Actions doesn't work with the secrets api, you need to create your own token with either repo or public_repo scope
name: mysecret
value: supersecretvalue
### Options
#### name
Name of secret to create
#### value
Value to set.
## Development
The steps to publish a new release are the following:
# Remove/clean dir 'dist'
rm -rf dist
# Package the action with ncc
yarn pkg
# - Copy release artifacts to subdir dir
# - Create a new orphan branch in a new empty repo
# - Push the branch
./release.sh v2.x.x
# Fetch the new branch and checkout it
git fetch --all
git checkout -b tmp origin/v2.x.x
# Reset the 'rolling' tag to the just released branch
git tag -d v2
git tag v2
git push origin +v2
# Remove the temporal branch
git checkout master
git branch -D tmp
NOTE: although it feels unidiomatic having 'rolling' tags and/or storing release assets in specific branches, it is the recommended solution. Retrieving assets from GitHub Releases is not supported by GitHub Actions (yet). See actions/javascript-action: Create a release branch, actions/toolkit: docs/action-versioning.md and actions/toolkit#214.