Catapult is a boilerplate plugin for organizing theme agnostic site functionality. Still very much in development.
Originally inspired by @billerickson It aims to keep things like post types, metaboxes, shortcodes, etc. out of the theme and easily portable. A smarter way of building custom sites that require a lot of functionality.
The philosophy behind the organization is inspired in part by
- /admin holds all files that add functionality to the dashboard, e.g. metaboxes
- /inc holds middle ground items like post types, taxonomies
- /public hold front loaded scripts and styles that might be required by shortcodes for example
- /libraries holds 3rd party libaries, e.g. CMB2
Pull down a copy, if the CMB2 metabox library is required run composer install
then run gulp copycmb
, rename the plugin and plugin file, replace prefixes, start writing your code.
This thing is still very much in development as I try to figure out the best way to make things as portable and reusable as possible. It will change.