Generalized version of Conway's Game of Life (cellular automata) built in processing.
Keystroke commands:
- space - pick a new random rule set and randomize the world with the current population density.
- c - print the current settings.
- C - print the current running cell population density.
- W,w - reduce the population density by 10 or 1% and randomize the world.
- E,e - increase the population density by 10 or 1% and randomize the world.
- D,d - Cycle through the demo rule sets.
- U,u - reduce the rule density by 10 or 1%.
- I,i - increase the rule density by 10 or 1%.
- p - pause/unpause
- r - randomize the world.
- s - step through paused world one iteration at a time.
- k,K - increase or descrease the iterations skipped between display. Default is 0. Range is 0-10. Can help determine period of some blinkers, etc.
- t - Start with a single cell in the middle of the world.
- T - Start with a 40x40 centered square randomized using population density.
- x - swap dead and live cell colors.
- ! - Enter debug mode. (After which mouse clicks report info.)
- z - (Experimental) spawn new rules based on random rotations and mutation.