A dump of the D&D 5e Player's Handbook in SQL format.
dnd-database currently has a dump of the following:
- Abilities.
- Alignments.
- Armour / Armour Types.
- Backgrounds: Bonds, Features, Flaws, Ideals, Languages, Traits, Skills, Specialties, Tool Proficiencies.
- Bonds.
- Classes: Armour Proficiencies, Armour Type Proficiencies, Features, Items, Saving Throws, Skill Proficiences, Tool Proficiencies, Weapon Proficiencies, Weapon Type Proficiencies.
- Damage Types.
- Dice Rolls.
- Items: Item Groups, Item Sets, Item Types
- Languages / Language Types.
- Mounts.
- Races: Ability Score Increments, Languages, Traits.
- Subclasses: Features.
- Tools / Tool Types.
- Weapons: Properties, Types.
Currently there are no dumps or support for magic.