This repository is a Jupyter service for data science.
It covered many programing language kernel, IPython3 (python2.7.9), IJulia, IRkernel, IGo, IScala, Bash, Redis kernel, IJavascript. Distribution of python is anaconda-2.1.0, this distribution is the latest version of using python2.
Those utilites included for IBM Watson service laboratory are listed as below:
- Google Cloud API
- Watson SDK for nodejs and python
- Node.js: json-query
- Python: wordcloud
- Run by name Attach volumne for saving notebook in host OS.
$ docker run --name nb -d -v /c/Users/yourName/workspace:/notebooks/workspace -p 8889:8888 jessewei/jupyter_nodejs
--name <container name>
-v <work-directory on host machine>:/notebooks/workspace
- Start/Stop/Remove container
$ docker start nb
$ docker stop nb
$ docker rm nb
- Access container
$ docker exec -it nb bash
- The is default docker machine ip, you may like to verify by
$ docker-machine ip
This images also managed by cloud.docker, and run on Softlayer.
The notebook naming start from api and kernel used.
- alchemy_language-py.ipynb, alchemy_language API in python sample
- alchemy_vision-py.ipynb, alchemy_vision API in python sample
- google_vision-py.ipynb, Google vision API in python sample