uses gmarik/vundle to manage plugins, plugin list in bundles.vim
cd ~/code
git clone git://
cd vim-setup-jessor
git clone git:// bundle/vundle
vim -u bundles.vim +BundleInstall +qall
cd ~
ln -s ~/code/vim-setup-jessor .vim
ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc
insert mode:
- F2 - toggle mode keeping the original indentation when pasting
normal mode:
- F1 - switch to previous buffer
- F2 - switch to next buffer
- F3 - toggles word wrapping
- F5 - toggle Indentline
- F6 - toggle UndoTree
- F7 - toggle hilighting of search results
- F8 - toggle NERDTree
- F9 - toggle Tagbar